1-1                                     1
 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 129
 1-3           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes great pride
 1-4     in recognizing the United Ways of Texas and in commending their
 1-5     volunteers and employees; and
 1-6           WHEREAS, Beginning in Houston as the Community Chest in 1921,
 1-7     the United Ways have increased to over 100 local groups in Texas;
 1-8     and
 1-9           WHEREAS, The main proponent of volunteerism in our state,
1-10     local United Ways gathered together more than $240 million in
1-11     1998; local donations are identified to use for the needs of the
1-12     area in which they are collected; and
1-13           WHEREAS, The money is distributed to more than 1,900
1-14     community agencies and charities; and
1-15           WHEREAS, A public policy voice for local United Ways, the
1-16     organization of the United Way of Texas leads the way in training,
1-17     innovation, and collaborative funding; and
1-18           WHEREAS, Models of superiority and excellence, the United
1-19     Ways are the biggest private funders for health and human services
1-20     in Texas; due to the dedication and devotion of the staff and
1-21     volunteers, innumerable Texans have been the recipients of
1-22     invaluable support and assistance when they are in need; now,
1-23     therefore, be it
1-24           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
 2-1     76th Legislature, hereby express appreciation to the United
 2-2     Ways of Texas for their munificence, compassion, and service
 2-3     to needy Texans; and, be it further
 2-4           RESOLVED, That United Way Day at the Capitol be
 2-5     designated as February 3, 1999, and that all Texans be inspired
 2-6     to consider the superb contributions which the United Ways of
 2-7     Texas make to the numerous communities of the great State of Texas.
 2-8                                                    Truan
 2-9           Armbrister           Gallegos            Nixon
2-10           Barrientos           Harris              Ogden
2-11           Bernsen              Haywood             Ratliff
2-12           Bivins               Jackson             Shapiro
2-13           Brown                Lindsay             Shapleigh
2-14           Cain                 Lucio               Sibley
2-15           Carona               Luna                Wentworth
2-16           Duncan               Madla               West
2-17           Ellis                Moncrief            Whitmire
2-18           Fraser               Nelson              Zaffirini
2-19                       Perry, President of the Senate
2-20                                  ______________________________________
2-21                                          President of the Senate
2-22                                       I hereby certify that the above
2-23                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
2-24                                  on February 2, 1999.
2-25                                  ______________________________________
2-26                                          Secretary of the Senate
2-27                                  ______________________________________
2-28                                            Dean of the Senate