1-1                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 157
 1-2           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is proud to
 1-3     recognize the Black United Fund of Texas; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Based on ideas of self-determination and self-help,
 1-5     the Black United Fund was founded by Walter Bremond, Jr., as the
 1-6     Brotherhood Crusade in Los Angeles in 1968; in 1972, he made the
 1-7     organization nonprofit, relocated it to New York, and established
 1-8     it as the National Black United Fund; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, The Black United Fund of Texas was instituted
1-10     in January, 1987; it is one of 20 affiliates of the National Black
1-11     United Fund which are located in many different states; and
1-12           WHEREAS, The Black United Fund of Texas, Incorporated,
1-13     intends to promote volunteerism, mutual aid, and self-help to
1-14     assist inner-city communities in finding solutions to problems in
1-15     their environment; and
1-16           WHEREAS, A means of organizing human and financial
1-17     resources to be sent back into the neighborhoods, thereby providing
1-18     self-sufficiency and independence, the Black United Fund focuses
1-19     on rebuilding of self-esteem, molding attitudes, and creating
1-20     opportunities for positive growth; and
1-21           WHEREAS, The premier showing of the film Unconditional
1-22     Love at the Magic Johnson Theater on Tuesday, February 9, 1999,
1-23     will be a fund raiser for this very worthwhile organization; now,
1-24     therefore, be it
 2-1           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
 2-2     76th Legislature, hereby commend the Black United Fund of Texas
 2-3     and express appreciation for its service to needy Texans; and,
 2-4     be it further
 2-5           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as an
 2-6     expression of the highest esteem of the Texas Senate.
 2-7                                                                Whitmire
 2-8                                  ______________________________________
 2-9                                          President of the Senate
2-10                                       I hereby certify that the above
2-11                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
2-12                                  on February 8, 1999.
2-13                                  ______________________________________
2-14                                          Secretary of the Senate
2-15                                  ______________________________________
2-16                                           Member, Texas Senate