1-1                                     1
 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 502
 1-3           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pleasure in
 1-4     recognizing Dr. David M. Richards, president of the University of
 1-5     North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth, who is retiring
 1-6     in December, 1999, for his many contributions to his medical school,
 1-7     his city, and his state; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, Moving to Texas in 1981 from Ohio, he practiced
 1-9     family medicine there from 1961 through 1981; elected president
1-10     of the Ohio Society of Osteopathic General Practitioners, he became
1-11     associate dean for academic and clinical affairs at the Ohio College
1-12     of Osteopathic Medicine; and
1-13           WHEREAS, Taking the position of associate dean for academic
1-14     affairs at what was then the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
1-15     in Fort Worth in 1981, Dr. Richards was promoted to interim executive
1-16     vice president in 1984 and president in 1986; and
1-17           WHEREAS, Elevated to a health science center by the
1-18     Texas Legislature in 1993, the University of North Texas Health
1-19     Science Center at Fort Worth has grown and thrived under the
1-20     direction of Dr. Richards; this fall, the Texas Higher Education
1-21     Coordinating Board approved the establishment of a School of Public
1-22     Health at the health science center; and
1-23           WHEREAS, Dr. Richards is the first osteopathic physician
1-24     elected to the board of the National Board of Medical Examiners;
 2-1     in addition, he was also one of the first osteopathic physicians
 2-2     appointed to the Veterans' Administration Special Medical Advisory
 2-3     Group; and
 2-4           WHEREAS, Dr. Richards has previously chaired the board
 2-5     of governors and the council of deans of the American Association
 2-6     of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, and locally, he chaired
 2-7     Fort Worth's Strategy 2000 Biomedical Technology Planning Committee,
 2-8     leading to the opening in 1998 of the MEDTECH business incubator;
 2-9     and
2-10           WHEREAS, Active in civic endeavors, he is a past president
2-11     of the American Heart Association of the Fort Worth metropolitan
2-12     region, on the Economic Development Group of the Fort Worth Chamber
2-13     of Commerce, and has served as vice chair of the board of directors
2-14     for the United Way of Tarrant County; and
2-15           WHEREAS, The career of service of Dr. David M. Richards has
2-16     greatly enhanced the medical care available in the Fort Worth
2-17     metropolitan area, and his leadership in the development of the
2-18     University of North Texas Health Science Center has been invaluable;
2-19     when he retires from the presidency on December 31, 1999, he will
2-20     be greatly missed; now, therefore, be it
2-21           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
2-22     76th Legislature, hereby congratulate Dr. David M. Richards on
2-23     his forthcoming retirement and commend his manifold achievements;
2-24     and, be it further
2-25           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
2-26     him as an expression of the highest regard and esteem of the
 3-1     Texas Senate.
 3-2                                                    Moncrief
 3-3           Armbrister           Gallegos            Ogden
 3-4           Barrientos           Harris              Ratliff
 3-5           Bernsen              Haywood             Shapiro
 3-6           Bivins               Jackson             Shapleigh
 3-7           Brown                Lindsay             Sibley
 3-8           Cain                 Lucio               Truan
 3-9           Carona               Luna                Wentworth
3-10           Duncan               Madla               West
3-11           Ellis                Nelson              Whitmire
3-12           Fraser               Nixon               Zaffirini
3-13                       Perry, President of the Senate
3-14                                  ______________________________________
3-15                                          President of the Senate
3-16                                       I hereby certify that the above
3-17                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
3-18                                  on March 29, 1999.
3-19                                  ______________________________________
3-20                                          Secretary of the Senate
3-21                                  ______________________________________
3-22                                           Member, Texas Senate