1-1                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 737
 1-2           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pleasure in
 1-3     congratulating Jim Reno of Kerrville on the honor of his being named
 1-4     the Texas State Artist for 1997-1998 in three-dimensional media; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, Mr. Reno is renowned for his expertise as a cutting
 1-6     horse trainer and competitor and world renowned for his bronze
 1-7     statues of horses and historic Texans; he lives his art, and
 1-8     as a result, his art is imbued with a unique spark of life and
 1-9     authenticity; and
1-10           WHEREAS, During his 50 years of sculpting, Jim Reno
1-11     has created 15 monumental statues, which include figures of
1-12     Charles Goodnight, Robert Justus Kleberg, Jr., and Quanah Parker;
1-13     and
1-14           WHEREAS, He has, in addition, created numerous smaller
1-15     limited edition pieces, which include bronzes of Indians, cowboys,
1-16     longhorns, horses, and rodeo and ranch depictions; and
1-17           WHEREAS, Jim Reno's passion for Texas history and the
1-18     western culture as it is reflected in his art has brought joy to a
1-19     generation of Texans; now, therefore, be it
1-20           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
1-21     76th Legislature, hereby extend congratulations to Jim Reno
1-22     for being named the Texas State Artist for 1997-1998 in
1-23     three-dimensional media; and, be it further
1-24           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
 2-1     Mr. Reno as an expression of the gratitude and high regard of the
 2-2     Texas Senate.
 2-3                                                    Lindsay
 2-4           Armbrister           Gallegos            Ogden
 2-5           Barrientos           Harris              Ratliff
 2-6           Bernsen              Haywood             Shapiro
 2-7           Bivins               Jackson             Shapleigh
 2-8           Brown                Lucio               Sibley
 2-9           Cain                 Luna                Truan
2-10           Carona               Madla               Wentworth
2-11           Duncan               Moncrief            West
2-12           Ellis                Nelson              Whitmire
2-13           Fraser               Nixon               Zaffirini
2-14                       Perry, President of the Senate
2-15                                  ______________________________________
2-16                                          President of the Senate
2-17                                       I hereby certify that the above
2-18                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
2-19                                  on April 26, 1999.
2-20                                  ______________________________________
2-21                                          Secretary of the Senate
2-22                                  ______________________________________
2-23                                           Member, Texas Senate