1-1                                     1
 1-2                          SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 749
 1-3           WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas would like to
 1-4     pause in its deliberations today to recognize the significant
 1-5     contributions of the 51st Legislature during the 50th anniversary
 1-6     year of one of the most productive sessions in Texas history; and
 1-7           WHEREAS, The men who made up that legislature were men of
 1-8     great vision and foresight, and their efforts and hard work
 1-9     resulted in the passage of vital legislation which still benefits
1-10     all Texans today; and
1-11           WHEREAS, Among the most outstanding accomplishments of the
1-12     51st Legislature were the creation of the Legislative Budget Board
1-13     and the Texas Legislative Council, the passage of the Gilmer-Aikin
1-14     Law, and the funding and enabling legislation for farm-to-market
1-15     roads; and
1-16           WHEREAS, One of the most important bills that legislature
1-17     passed was Senate Bill 387, the bill which created the Legislative
1-18     Budget Board, sponsored by Senators Hardeman, Taylor, Hazelwood,
1-19     Harris, and Hudson; and
1-20           WHEREAS, In creating the Legislative Budget Board, the
1-21     State of Texas set up an independent and impartial agency which
1-22     oversees the budget estimates for appropriations by departments,
1-23     institutions, and agencies of the state; and
1-24           WHEREAS, Since the youth of Texas are our greatest
 2-1     resource for tomorrow, Senate Bill 115, popularly known as the
 2-2     Gilmer-Aikin Law in honor of Representative Claud H. Gilmer and
 2-3     Senator A. M. Aikin, Jr., probably has had the most far-reaching
 2-4     effects on our state; and
 2-5           WHEREAS, During the 51st Legislature, Senate Bill 115 was
 2-6     passed to increase the authority of a State Board of Education,
 2-7     to found the Texas Education Agency, to create funding for the
 2-8     public schools in Texas, and to create more efficient administration
 2-9     of Texas public schools; and
2-10           WHEREAS, One of the more far-reaching bills passed during
2-11     this historical session was Senate Bill 287, which provided for more
2-12     farm-to-market roads in Texas for better travel and flood control;
2-13     and
2-14           WHEREAS, The bill which was finally passed increased funding
2-15     for farm-to-market roads in order to assist Texas in its economic
2-16     expansion and population growth; and
2-17           WHEREAS, Another of the most influential bills passed during
2-18     the session was Senate Bill 316, sponsored by Senators Proffer and
2-19     Jones, which created the Texas Legislative Council; and
2-20           WHEREAS, Senate Bill 316 provided for the appointment of its
2-21     members, prescribed its powers and duties, and directed other
2-22     state agencies to render advice and assistance to the council; and
2-23           WHEREAS, The duties of the council include gathering
2-24     information for the use of the legislature, investigating
2-25     departments, agencies, and officers of the state and studying
2-26     their functions and problems, and making studies for the use of
 3-1     the legislative branch of the state government; and
 3-2           WHEREAS, The citizens of Texas were well served by their
 3-3     senators and representatives during the 51st Legislature, and the
 3-4     entire state has profited; and
 3-5           WHEREAS, The actions of the 51st Legislature have had a
 3-6     positive impact on the lives of countless Texans, and the
 3-7     dedication and devotion of these keenly perceptive men in their
 3-8     complicated endeavors will continue to inspire lawmakers for years
 3-9     to come; now, therefore, be it
3-10           RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
3-11     76th Legislature, hereby commend and applaud the superlative
3-12     work of the 51st Legislature, and express appreciation for the
3-13     excellent legislation produced; and, be it further
3-14           RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as a
3-15     tribute to the 51st Texas Legislature.
3-16                                                                 Ratliff
3-17                                  ______________________________________
3-18                                          President of the Senate
3-19                                       I hereby certify that the above
3-20                                  Resolution was adopted by the Senate
3-21                                  on April 26, 1999.
3-22                                  ______________________________________
3-23                                          Secretary of the Senate
3-24                                  ______________________________________
3-25                                           Member, Texas Senate