By Brown                                              S.R. No. 1159
         76R17668 KEL-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 76th
 1-2     Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, That Senate Rule 12.03 is
 1-3     suspended, as provided by Senate Rule 12.08, to enable the
 1-4     conference committee appointed to resolve the differences between
 1-5     the house and senate versions of S.B. No. 365, relating to the
 1-6     continuation and the functions of the Texas Department of Criminal
 1-7     Justice, the administration of the Private Sector Prison Industries
 1-8     Oversight Authority, and the administration of the Texas Council on
 1-9     Offenders with Mental Impairments, to consider and take action on
1-10     the following matter:
1-11           Senate Rules 12.03(3) and (4) are suspended to permit the
1-12     committee to add a new article to read as follows:
1-13                                  ARTICLE 4
1-14           SECTION 4.01.  The Health and Safety Code is amended by
1-15     adding Title 11 to read as follows:
1-18                      SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
1-19           Sec. 841.001.  LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.  The legislature finds
1-20     that a small but extremely dangerous group of sexually violent
1-21     predators exists and that those predators have a behavioral
1-22     abnormality that is not amenable to traditional mental illness
1-23     treatment modalities and that makes the predators likely to engage
1-24     in repeated predatory acts of sexual violence.  The legislature
 2-1     finds that the existing involuntary commitment provisions of
 2-2     Subtitle C, Title 7, are inadequate to address the risk of repeated
 2-3     predatory behavior that sexually violent predators pose to society.
 2-4     The  legislature further finds that treatment modalities for
 2-5     sexually violent predators are different from the traditional
 2-6     treatment modalities for persons appropriate for involuntary
 2-7     commitment under Subtitle C, Title 7.  Thus, the legislature finds
 2-8     that a civil commitment procedure for the long-term supervision and
 2-9     treatment of sexually violent predators is necessary and in the
2-10     interest of the state.
2-11           Sec. 841.002.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
2-12                 (1)  "Attorney representing the state" means an
2-13     attorney employed by the prison prosecution unit to initiate and
2-14     pursue a civil commitment proceeding under this chapter.
2-15                 (2)  "Behavioral abnormality" means a congenital or
2-16     acquired condition that, by affecting a person's emotional or
2-17     volitional capacity, predisposes the person to commit a sexually
2-18     violent offense, to the extent that the person becomes a menace to
2-19     the health and safety of another person.
2-20                 (3)  "Case manager" means a person employed by or under
2-21     contract with the council to perform duties related to outpatient
2-22     treatment and supervision of a person committed under this chapter.
2-23                 (4)  "Council" means the Interagency Council on Sex
2-24     Offender Treatment.
2-25                 (5)  "Predatory act" means an act that is committed for
2-26     the purpose of victimization and that is directed toward:
2-27                       (A)  a stranger;
 3-1                       (B)  a person of casual acquaintance with whom no
 3-2     substantial relationship exists; or
 3-3                       (C)  a person with whom a relationship has been
 3-4     established or promoted for the purpose of victimization.
 3-5                 (6)  "Repeat sexually violent offender" has the meaning
 3-6     assigned by Section 841.003.
 3-7                 (7)  "Secure correctional facility" means a county jail
 3-8     or a confinement facility operated by or under contract with any
 3-9     division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
3-10                 (8)  "Sexually violent offense" means:
3-11                       (A)  an offense under Section 21.11(a)(1),
3-12     22.011, or 22.021, Penal Code;
3-13                       (B)  an offense under Section 20.04(a)(4), Penal
3-14     Code, if the defendant committed the offense with the intent to
3-15     violate or abuse the victim sexually;
3-16                       (C)  an offense under Section 30.02, Penal Code,
3-17     if the offense is punishable under Subsection (d) of that section
3-18     and the defendant committed the offense with the intent to commit
3-19     an offense listed in Paragraph (A) or (B);
3-20                       (D)  an attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation, as
3-21     defined by Chapter 15, Penal Code, to commit an offense listed in
3-22     Paragraph (A), (B), or (C);
3-23                       (E)  an offense under prior state law that
3-24     contains elements substantially similar to the elements of an
3-25     offense listed in Paragraph (A), (B), (C), or (D); or
3-26                       (F)  an offense under the law of another state,
3-27     federal law, or the Uniform Code of Military Justice that contains
 4-1     elements substantially similar to the elements of an offense listed
 4-2     in Paragraph (A), (B), (C), or (D).
 4-3                 (9)  "Sexually violent predator" has the meaning
 4-4     assigned by Section 841.003.
 4-5                 (10)  "Tracking service" means an electronic monitoring
 4-6     service, global positioning satellite service, or other appropriate
 4-7     technological service that is designed to track a person's
 4-8     location.
 4-9           Sec. 841.003.  SEXUALLY VIOLENT PREDATOR.  (a)  A person is a
4-10     sexually violent predator for the purposes of this chapter if the
4-11     person:
4-12                 (1)  is a repeat sexually violent offender; and
4-13                 (2)  suffers from a behavioral abnormality that makes
4-14     the person likely to engage in a predatory act of sexual violence.
4-15           (b)  A person is a repeat sexually violent offender for the
4-16     purposes of this chapter if the person is convicted of more than
4-17     one sexually violent offense and a sentence is imposed for at least
4-18     one of the offenses or if:
4-19                 (1)  the person:
4-20                       (A)  is convicted of a sexually violent offense,
4-21     regardless of whether the sentence for the offense was ever imposed
4-22     or whether the sentence was probated and the person was
4-23     subsequently discharged from community supervision;
4-24                       (B)  enters a plea of guilty or nolo contendere
4-25     for a sexually violent offense in return for a grant of deferred
4-26     adjudication;
4-27                       (C)  is adjudged not guilty by reason of insanity
 5-1     of a sexually violent offense; or
 5-2                       (D)  is adjudicated by a juvenile court as having
 5-3     engaged in delinquent conduct constituting a sexually violent
 5-4     offense and is committed to the Texas Youth Commission under
 5-5     Section 54.04(d)(3) or (m), Family Code; and
 5-6                 (2)  after the date on which under Subdivision (1) the
 5-7     person is convicted, receives a grant of deferred adjudication, is
 5-8     adjudged not guilty by reason of insanity, or is adjudicated by a
 5-9     juvenile court as having engaged in delinquent conduct, the person
5-10     commits a sexually violent offense for which the person:
5-11                       (A)  is convicted, but only if the sentence for
5-12     the offense is imposed; or
5-13                       (B)  is adjudged not guilty by reason of
5-14     insanity.
5-15           Sec. 841.004.  PRISON PROSECUTION UNIT.  A special division
5-16     of the prison prosecution unit, separate from that part of the unit
5-17     responsible for prosecuting criminal cases, is responsible for
5-18     initiating and pursuing a civil commitment proceeding under this
5-19     chapter.
5-20           Sec. 841.005.  OFFICE OF STATE COUNSEL FOR OFFENDERS.  The
5-21     Office of State Counsel for Offenders shall represent a person
5-22     subject to a civil commitment proceeding under this chapter.
5-23           Sec. 841.006.  APPLICATION OF CHAPTER.  This chapter does
5-24     not:
5-25                 (1)  prohibit a person committed under this chapter
5-26     from filing at any time a petition for release under this chapter;
5-27     or
 6-1                 (2)  create for the committed person a cause of action
 6-2     against another person for failure to give notice within a period
 6-3     required by Subchapter B.
 6-5     TREATMENT.  The Interagency Council on Sex Offender Treatment is
 6-6     responsible for providing appropriate and necessary treatment and
 6-7     supervision through the case management system.
 6-8              (Sections 841.008-841.020 reserved for expansion
6-10                           INITIAL DETERMINATIONS
6-11           Sec. 841.021.  NOTICE OF POTENTIAL PREDATOR.  (a)  Before the
6-12     person's anticipated release date, the Texas Department of Criminal
6-13     Justice shall give to the multidisciplinary team established under
6-14     Section 841.022 written notice of the anticipated release of a
6-15     person who:
6-16                 (1)  is serving a sentence for a sexually violent
6-17     offense; and
6-18                 (2)  may be a repeat sexually violent offender.
6-19           (b)  Before the person's anticipated discharge date, the
6-20     Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation shall give
6-21     to the multidisciplinary team established under Section 841.022
6-22     written notice of the anticipated discharge of a person who:
6-23                 (1)  is committed to the department after having been
6-24     adjudged not guilty by reason of insanity of a sexually violent
6-25     offense; and
6-26                 (2)  may be a repeat sexually violent offender.
6-27           (c)  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice or the Texas
 7-1     Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, as appropriate,
 7-2     shall give the notice described by Subsection (a)  or (b) not later
 7-3     than the first day of the 16th month before the person's
 7-4     anticipated release or discharge date, but under exigent
 7-5     circumstances may give the notice at any time before the
 7-6     anticipated release or discharge date.  The notice must contain the
 7-7     following information:
 7-8                 (1)  the person's name, identifying factors,
 7-9     anticipated residence after release or discharge, and criminal
7-10     history;
7-11                 (2)  documentation of the person's institutional
7-12     adjustment and actual treatment; and
7-13                 (3)  an assessment of the likelihood that the person
7-14     will commit a sexually violent offense after release or discharge.
7-15           Sec. 841.022.  MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM.  (a)  The executive
7-16     director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and the
7-17     commissioner of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
7-18     Retardation jointly shall establish a multidisciplinary team to
7-19     review available records of a person referred to the team under
7-20     Section 841.021.  The team must include:
7-21                 (1)  two persons from the Texas Department of Mental
7-22     Health and Mental Retardation;
7-23                 (2)  three persons from the Texas Department of
7-24     Criminal Justice, one of whom must be from the victim services
7-25     office of that department;
7-26                 (3)  one person from the Texas Department of Public
7-27     Safety; and
 8-1                 (4)  one person from the council.
 8-2           (b)  The multidisciplinary team may request the assistance of
 8-3     other persons in making a determination under this section.
 8-4           (c)  Not later than the 30th day after the date the
 8-5     multidisciplinary team receives notice under Section 841.021(a) or
 8-6     (b), the team shall:
 8-7                 (1)  determine whether the person is a repeat sexually
 8-8     violent offender and whether the person is likely to commit a
 8-9     sexually violent offense after release or discharge;
8-10                 (2)  give notice of that determination to the Texas
8-11     Department of Criminal Justice or the Texas Department of Mental
8-12     Health and Mental Retardation, as appropriate; and
8-13                 (3)  recommend the assessment of the person for a
8-14     behavioral abnormality, as appropriate.
8-16     (a)  Not later than the 30th day after the date of a recommendation
8-17     under Section 841.022(c), the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
8-18     or the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, as
8-19     appropriate, shall determine whether the person suffers from a
8-20     behavioral abnormality that makes the person likely to engage in a
8-21     predatory act of sexual violence.  To aid in the determination, the
8-22     department required to make the determination shall use an expert
8-23     to examine the person.  That department may contract for the expert
8-24     services required by this subsection.  The expert shall make a
8-25     clinical assessment based on testing for psychopathy, a clinical
8-26     interview, and other appropriate assessments and techniques to aid
8-27     in the determination.
 9-1           (b)  If the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or the Texas
 9-2     Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation determines that
 9-3     the person suffers from a behavioral abnormality, the department
 9-4     making the determination shall give notice of that determination
 9-5     and provide corresponding documentation to the attorney
 9-6     representing the state not later than the 30th day after the date
 9-7     of a recommendation under Section 841.022(c).
 9-8              (Sections 841.024-841.040 reserved for expansion
9-10           Sec. 841.041.  PETITION ALLEGING PREDATOR STATUS.  (a)  If a
9-11     person is referred to the attorney representing the state under
9-12     Section 841.023, the attorney may file, in a Montgomery County
9-13     district court other than a family district court, a petition
9-14     alleging that the person is a sexually violent predator and stating
9-15     facts sufficient to support the allegation.
9-16           (b)  A petition described by Subsection (a) must be filed not
9-17     later than the 60th day after the date the person is referred to
9-18     the attorney representing the state.
9-19              (Sections 841.042-841.060 reserved for expansion
9-20                            SUBCHAPTER D.  TRIAL
9-21           Sec. 841.061.  TRIAL.  (a)  Not later than the 60th day after
9-22     the date a petition is filed under Section 841.041, the judge shall
9-23     conduct a trial to determine whether the person is a sexually
9-24     violent predator.
9-25           (b)  The person or the state is entitled to a jury trial on
9-26     demand.  A demand for a jury trial must be filed in writing not
9-27     later than the 10th day before the date the trial is scheduled to
 10-1    begin.
 10-2          (c)  The person and the state are entitled to an immediate
 10-3    examination of the person by an expert.
 10-4          (d)  Additional rights of the person at the trial include the
 10-5    following:
 10-6                (1)  the right to appear at the trial;
 10-7                (2)  the right to present evidence on the person's
 10-8    behalf;
 10-9                (3)  the right to cross-examine a witness who testifies
10-10    against the person; and
10-11                (4)  the right to view and  copy all petitions and
10-12    reports in the court file.
10-13          (e)  The attorney representing the state may rely on the
10-14    petition filed under Section 841.041 and supplement the petition
10-15    with documentary evidence or live testimony.
10-16          Sec. 841.062.  DETERMINATION OF PREDATOR STATUS.  (a)  The
10-17    judge or jury shall determine whether, beyond a reasonable doubt,
10-18    the person is a sexually violent predator.  Either the state or the
10-19    person is entitled to appeal the determination.
10-20          (b)  A jury determination that the person is a sexually
10-21    violent predator must be by unanimous verdict.
10-22          Sec. 841.063.  CONTINUANCE.  The judge may continue a trial
10-23    conducted under Section 841.061 if the person is not substantially
10-24    prejudiced by the continuance and:
10-25                (1)  on the request of either party and a showing of
10-26    good cause; or
10-27                (2)  on the judge's own motion in the due
 11-1    administration of justice.
 11-2          Sec. 841.064.  MISTRIAL.  A trial following a mistrial must
 11-3    begin not later than the 90th day after the date a mistrial was
 11-4    declared in the previous trial, unless the later trial is continued
 11-5    as provided by Section 841.063.
 11-6             (Sections 841.065-841.080 reserved for expansion
 11-7                      SUBCHAPTER E.  CIVIL COMMITMENT
 11-8          Sec. 841.081.  CIVIL COMMITMENT OF PREDATOR.  If at a trial
 11-9    conducted under Subchapter D the judge or jury determines that the
11-10    person is a sexually violent predator, the judge shall commit the
11-11    person for outpatient treatment and supervision to be coordinated
11-12    by the case manager.  The outpatient treatment and supervision must
11-13    begin on the person's release from a secure correctional facility
11-14    or discharge from a state hospital and must continue until the
11-15    person's behavioral abnormality has changed to the extent that the
11-16    person is no longer likely to engage in a predatory act of sexual
11-17    violence.
11-18          Sec. 841.082.  COMMITMENT REQUIREMENTS.  (a)  Before entering
11-19    an order directing a person's outpatient civil commitment, the
11-20    judge shall impose on the person requirements necessary to ensure
11-21    the person's compliance with treatment and supervision and to
11-22    protect the community.  The requirements shall include:
11-23                (1)  requiring the person to reside in a particular
11-24    location;
11-25                (2)  prohibiting the person's contact with a victim or
11-26    potential victim of the person;
11-27                (3)  prohibiting the person's use of alcohol or a
 12-1    controlled substance;
 12-2                (4)  requiring the person's participation in a specific
 12-3    course of treatment;
 12-4                (5)  requiring the person to submit to tracking under a
 12-5    particular type of tracking service and to any other appropriate
 12-6    supervision;
 12-7                (6)  prohibiting the person from changing the person's
 12-8    residence without prior authorization from the judge and from
 12-9    leaving the state without that authorization;
12-10                (7)  if determined appropriate by the judge,
12-11    establishing a child safety zone in the same manner as a child
12-12    safety zone is established by a judge under Section 13B, Article
12-13    42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, and requiring the person to
12-14    comply with requirements related to the safety zone;
12-15                (8)  requiring the person to notify the case manager
12-16    within 48 hours of any change in the person's status that affects
12-17    proper treatment and supervision, including a change in the
12-18    person's physical health or job status and including any
12-19    incarceration of the person; and
12-20                (9)  any other requirements determined necessary by the
12-21    judge.
12-22          (b)  The judge shall provide a copy of the requirements
12-23    imposed under Subsection (a) to the person and to the council.  The
12-24    council shall provide a copy of those requirements to the case
12-25    manager and to the service providers.
12-26          (c)  Immediately after the person's commitment, the judge
12-27    shall transfer jurisdiction of the case to a district court, other
 13-1    than a family district court, having jurisdiction in the county in
 13-2    which the defendant is residing.
 13-3          Sec. 841.083.  TREATMENT; SUPERVISION.  (a)  The council
 13-4    shall approve and contract for the provision of a treatment plan
 13-5    for the committed person to be developed by the treatment provider.
 13-6    A treatment plan may include the monitoring of the person with a
 13-7    polygraph or plethysmograph.  The treatment provider may receive
 13-8    annual compensation in an amount not to exceed $6,000 for providing
 13-9    the required treatment.
13-10          (b)  The case manager shall provide supervision to the
13-11    person.  The provision of supervision shall include tracking
13-12    services and, if required by court order, supervised housing.
13-13          (c)  The council shall enter into an interagency agreement
13-14    with the Department of Public Safety for the provision of tracking
13-15    services.  The Department of Public Safety shall contract with the
13-16    General Services Commission for the equipment necessary to
13-17    implement those services.
13-18          (d)  The council shall contract for any necessary supervised
13-19    housing.  The committed person may not be housed for any period of
13-20    time in a mental health facility, state school, or community
13-21    center.  In this subsection:
13-22                (1)  "Community center" means a center established
13-23    under Subchapter A, Chapter 534.
13-24                (2)  "Mental health facility" has the meaning assigned
13-25    by Section 571.003.
13-26                (3)  "State school" has the meaning assigned by Section
13-27    531.002.
 14-1          (e)  The case manager shall:
 14-2                (1)  coordinate the outpatient treatment and
 14-3    supervision required by this chapter, including performing a
 14-4    periodic assessment of the success of that treatment and
 14-5    supervision;
 14-6                (2)  make timely recommendations to the judge on
 14-7    whether to allow the committed person to change residence or to
 14-8    leave the state and on any other appropriate matters; and
 14-9                (3)  provide a report to the council, semiannually or
14-10    more frequently as necessary, which must include:
14-11                      (A)  any known change in the person's status that
14-12    affects proper treatment and supervision; and
14-13                      (B)  any recommendations made to the judge.
14-14          Sec. 841.084.  PROVIDER STATUS REPORTS.  A treatment provider
14-15    or a supervision provider other than the case manager shall submit,
14-16    monthly or more frequently if required by the case manager, a
14-17    report to the case manager stating whether the person is complying
14-18    with treatment or supervision requirements, as applicable.
14-19          Sec. 841.085.  CRIMINAL PENALTY.  A person commits an offense
14-20    if the person violates a requirement imposed under Section 841.082.
14-21    An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree.
14-22             (Sections 841.086-841.100 reserved for expansion
14-23                     SUBCHAPTER F.  COMMITMENT REVIEW
14-24          Sec. 841.101.  BIENNIAL EXAMINATION.  (a)  A person committed
14-25    under Section 841.081 shall receive a biennial examination.  The
14-26    council shall contract for an expert to perform the examination.
14-27          (b)  In preparation for a judicial review conducted under
 15-1    Section 841.102, the case manager shall provide a report of the
 15-2    biennial examination to the judge.  The report must include
 15-3    consideration of whether to modify a requirement imposed on the
 15-4    person under this chapter and whether to release the person from
 15-5    all requirements imposed on the person under this chapter.  The
 15-6    case manager shall provide a copy of the report to the council.
 15-7          Sec. 841.102.  BIENNIAL REVIEW.  (a)  The judge shall conduct
 15-8    a biennial review of the status of the committed person.
 15-9          (b)  The person is entitled to be represented by counsel at
15-10    the biennial review, but the person is not entitled to be present
15-11    at that review.
15-12          (c)  The judge shall set a hearing if the judge determines at
15-13    the biennial review that:
15-14                (1)  a requirement imposed on the person under this
15-15    chapter should be modified; or
15-16                (2)  probable cause exists to believe that the person's
15-17    behavioral abnormality has changed to the extent that the person is
15-18    no longer likely to engage in a predatory act of sexual violence.
15-19          Sec. 841.103.  HEARING.  (a)  At a hearing set by the judge
15-20    under Section 841.102, the person and the state are entitled to an
15-21    immediate examination of the person by an expert.
15-22          (b)  If the hearing is set under Section 841.102(c)(1),
15-23    hearsay evidence is admissible if it is considered otherwise
15-24    reliable by the judge.
15-25          (c)  If the hearing is set under Section 841.102(c)(2), the
15-26    committed person is entitled to be present and to have the benefit
15-27    of all constitutional protections provided to the person at the
 16-1    initial civil commitment proceeding.  On the request of the person
 16-2    or the attorney representing the state, the court shall conduct the
 16-3    hearing before a jury.  The burden of proof at that hearing is on
 16-4    the state to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the person's
 16-5    behavioral abnormality has not changed to the extent that the
 16-6    person is no longer likely to engage in a predatory act of sexual
 16-7    violence.
 16-8             (Sections 841.104-841.120 reserved for expansion
 16-9                    SUBCHAPTER G.  PETITION FOR RELEASE
16-10          Sec. 841.121.  AUTHORIZED PETITION FOR RELEASE.  (a)  If the
16-11    case manager determines that the committed person's behavioral
16-12    abnormality has changed to the extent that the person is no longer
16-13    likely to engage in a predatory act of sexual violence, the case
16-14    manager shall authorize the person to petition the court for
16-15    release.
16-16          (b)  The petitioner shall serve a petition under this section
16-17    on the court and the attorney representing the state.
16-18          (c)  The judge shall set a hearing on a petition under this
16-19    section not later than the 30th day after the date the judge
16-20    receives the petition.  The petitioner and the state are entitled
16-21    to an immediate examination of the petitioner by an expert.
16-22          (d)  On request of the petitioner or the attorney
16-23    representing the state, the court shall conduct the hearing before
16-24    a jury.
16-25          (e)  The burden of proof at the hearing is on the state to
16-26    prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the petitioner's behavioral
16-27    abnormality has not changed to the extent that the petitioner is no
 17-1    longer likely to engage in a predatory act of sexual violence.
 17-3    RELEASE.  On a person's commitment and annually after that
 17-4    commitment, the case manager shall provide the person with written
 17-5    notice of the person's right to file with the court and without the
 17-6    case manager's authorization a petition for release.
 17-8    (a)  If the committed person files a petition for release without
 17-9    the case manager's authorization, the person shall serve the
17-10    petition on the court and the attorney representing the state.
17-11          (b)  On receipt of a petition for release filed by the
17-12    committed person without the case manager's authorization, the
17-13    judge shall attempt as soon as practicable to review the petition.
17-14          (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the judge shall
17-15    deny without a hearing a petition for release filed without the
17-16    case manager's authorization if the petition is frivolous or if:
17-17                (1)  the petitioner previously filed without the case
17-18    manager's authorization another petition for release; and
17-19                (2)  the judge determined on review of the previous
17-20    petition or following a hearing that:
17-21                      (A)  the petition was frivolous; or
17-22                      (B)  the petitioner's behavioral abnormality had
17-23    not changed to the extent that the petitioner was no longer likely
17-24    to engage in a predatory act of sexual violence.
17-25          (d)  The judge is not required to deny a petition under
17-26    Subsection (c) if probable cause exists to believe that the
17-27    petitioner's behavioral abnormality has changed to the extent that
 18-1    the petitioner is no longer likely to engage in a predatory act of
 18-2    sexual violence.
 18-4    (a)  If as authorized by Section 841.123 the judge does not deny a
 18-5    petition for release filed by the committed person without the case
 18-6    manager's authorization, the judge shall conduct as soon as
 18-7    practicable a hearing on the petition.
 18-8          (b)  The petitioner and the state are entitled to an
 18-9    immediate examination of the person by an expert.
18-10          (c)  On request of the petitioner or the attorney
18-11    representing the state, the court shall conduct the hearing before
18-12    a jury.
18-13          (d)  The burden of proof at the hearing is on the state to
18-14    prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the petitioner's behavioral
18-15    abnormality has not changed to the extent that the petitioner is no
18-16    longer likely to engage in a predatory act of sexual violence.
18-17             (Sections 841.125-841.140 reserved for expansion
18-19          Sec. 841.141.  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.  (a)  The council by
18-20    rule shall administer this chapter.  Rules adopted by the council
18-21    under this section must be consistent with the purposes of this
18-22    chapter.
18-23          (b)  The council by rule shall develop standards of care and
18-24    case management for persons committed under this chapter.
18-25          Sec. 841.142.  RELEASE OR EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION.  (a)  To
18-26    protect the public and to enable a determination relating to
18-27    whether a person is a sexually violent predator, any entity that
 19-1    possesses relevant information relating to the person shall release
 19-2    the information to an entity charged with making a determination
 19-3    under this chapter.
 19-4          (b)  To protect the public and to enable the provision of
 19-5    supervision and treatment to a person who is a sexually violent
 19-6    predator, any entity that possesses relevant information relating
 19-7    to the person shall release the information to the case manager.
 19-8          (c)  On the written request of any attorney for another state
 19-9    or a political subdivision in another state, the Texas Department
19-10    of Criminal Justice, the council, a service provider contracting
19-11    with one of those agencies, the multidisciplinary team, and the
19-12    attorney representing the state shall release to the attorney any
19-13    available information relating to a person that is sought in
19-14    connection with an attempt to civilly commit the person as a
19-15    sexually violent predator in another state.
19-16          (d)  To protect the public and to enable a determination
19-17    relating to whether a person is a sexually violent predator or to
19-18    enable the provision of supervision and treatment to a person who
19-19    is a sexually violent predator, the Texas Department of Criminal
19-20    Justice, the council, a service provider contracting with one of
19-21    those agencies, the multidisciplinary team, and the attorney
19-22    representing the state may exchange any available information
19-23    relating to the person.
19-24          (e)  Information subject to release or exchange under this
19-25    section includes information relating to the supervision,
19-26    treatment, criminal history, or physical or mental health of the
19-27    person, as appropriate, regardless of whether the information is
 20-1    otherwise confidential and regardless of when the information was
 20-2    created or collected.  The person's consent is not required for
 20-3    release or exchange of information under this section.
 20-4          Sec. 841.143.  REPORT, RECORD, OR STATEMENT SUBMITTED TO
 20-5    COURT.  (a)  A psychological report, drug and alcohol report,
 20-6    treatment record, diagnostic report, medical record, or victim
 20-7    impact statement submitted to the court under this chapter is part
 20-8    of the record of the court.
 20-9          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the report, record, or
20-10    statement must be sealed and may be opened only:
20-11                (1)  on order of the judge;
20-12                (2)  as provided by this chapter; or
20-13                (3)  in connection with a criminal proceeding as
20-14    otherwise provided by law.
20-15          Sec. 841.144.  COUNSEL.  (a)  At all stages of the civil
20-16    commitment proceedings under this chapter, a person subject to a
20-17    proceeding is entitled to the assistance of counsel.
20-18          (b)  If the person is indigent, the court shall appoint
20-19    counsel through the Office of State Counsel for Offenders to assist
20-20    the person.
20-21          Sec. 841.145.  EXPERT.  (a)  A person who is examined under
20-22    this chapter may retain an expert to perform an examination or
20-23    participate in a civil commitment proceeding on the person's
20-24    behalf.
20-25          (b)  On the request of an indigent person examined under this
20-26    chapter, the judge shall determine whether expert services for the
20-27    person are necessary.  If the judge determines that the services
 21-1    are necessary, the judge shall appoint an expert to perform an
 21-2    examination or participate in a civil commitment proceeding on the
 21-3    person's behalf.
 21-4          (c)  The court shall approve reasonable compensation for
 21-5    expert services rendered on behalf of an indigent person on the
 21-6    filing of a certified compensation claim supported by a written
 21-7    statement specifying:
 21-8                (1)  time expended on behalf of the person;
 21-9                (2)  services rendered on behalf of the person;
21-10                (3)  expenses incurred on behalf of the person; and
21-11                (4)  compensation received in the same case or for the
21-12    same services from any other source.
21-13          (d)  The court shall ensure that an expert retained or
21-14    appointed under this section has for purposes of examination
21-15    reasonable access to a person examined under this chapter, as well
21-16    as to all relevant medical and psychological records and reports.
21-18    COSTS.  (a)  On request, a person subject to a civil commitment
21-19    proceeding under this chapter and the attorney representing the
21-20    state are entitled to a jury trial or a hearing before a jury for
21-21    that proceeding, except for a proceeding set by the judge under
21-22    Section 841.102(c)(1).  The number and selection of jurors are
21-23    governed by Chapter 33, Code of Criminal Procedure.
21-24          (b)  A civil commitment proceeding is subject to the rules of
21-25    procedure and appeal for civil cases.
21-26          (c)  In an amount not to exceed $1,600, the state shall pay
21-27    the costs of a civil commitment proceeding conducted under
 22-1    Subchapter D.  For any civil commitment proceeding conducted under
 22-2    this chapter, the state shall pay the costs of state or appointed
 22-3    counsel or experts and the costs of the person's outpatient
 22-4    treatment and supervision.
 22-5          Sec. 841.147.  IMMUNITY.  The following persons are immune
 22-6    from liability for good faith conduct under this chapter:
 22-7                (1)  an employee or officer of the Texas Department of
 22-8    Criminal Justice, the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
 22-9    Retardation, or the council;
22-10                (2)  a member of the multidisciplinary team established
22-11    under Section 841.022;
22-12                (3)  the attorney representing the state; and
22-13                (4)  a person contracting, appointed, or volunteering
22-14    to perform a service under this chapter.
22-15          SECTION 4.02.  Sections 51.13(a) and (b), Family Code, are
22-16    amended to read as follows:
22-17          (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), an order of
22-18    adjudication or disposition in a proceeding under this title is not
22-19    a conviction of crime.  Except as provided by Chapter 841, Health
22-20    and Safety Code, an order of adjudication or disposition [, and]
22-21    does not impose any civil disability ordinarily resulting from a
22-22    conviction or operate to disqualify the child in any civil service
22-23    application or appointment.
22-24          (b)  The adjudication or disposition of a child or evidence
22-25    adduced in a hearing under this title may be used only in
22-26    subsequent:
22-27                (1)  proceedings under this title in which the child is
 23-1    a party;
 23-2                (2)  [or in subsequent] sentencing proceedings in
 23-3    criminal court against the child to the extent permitted by the
 23-4    Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, 1965; or
 23-5                (3)  civil commitment proceedings under Chapter 841,
 23-6    Health and Safety Code.
 23-7          SECTION 4.03.  Section 61.066, Human Resources Code, is
 23-8    amended to read as follows:
 23-9          Sec. 61.066.  COMMITMENT RECORDS.  A commitment to the
23-10    commission may not be received in evidence or used in any way in
23-11    any proceedings in any court except in:
23-12                (1)  subsequent proceedings under Title 3[,] of the
23-13    Family Code against the same child;
23-14                (2)  [, and except in] imposing sentence in any
23-15    criminal proceedings against the same person; or
23-16                (3)  subsequent civil commitment proceedings under
23-17    Chapter 841, Health and Safety Code, regarding the same person.
23-18          SECTION 4.04.  Title 11, Health and Safety Code, as added by
23-19    this Act, applies only to an individual who on or after January 1,
23-20    2000, is serving a sentence in the Texas Department of Criminal
23-21    Justice or is committed to the Texas Department of Mental Health
23-22    and Mental Retardation for an offense committed before, on, or
23-23    after the effective date of this Act.
23-24          Explanation:  This change is necessary to establish a process
23-25    for the civil commitment of sexually violent predators.