By Lucio                                              S.R. No. 1180
         76R18035 KLA-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 76th
 1-2     Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, That Senate Rule 12.03 is
 1-3     suspended, as provided by Senate Rule 12.08, to enable the
 1-4     conference committee appointed to resolve the differences between
 1-5     the house and senate versions of S.B. No. 558, relating to training
 1-6     requirements for certain child-care providers, to consider and take
 1-7     action on the following matter:
 1-8           Senate Rules 12.03(1) and (2) are suspended to permit the
 1-9     committee to amend Section 1 of the bill to read as follows:
1-10           SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code,
1-11     is amended by adding Section 42.0421 to read as follows:
1-12           Sec. 42.0421.  MINIMUM TRAINING STANDARDS.  (a)  The minimum
1-13     training standards prescribed by the department under Section
1-14     42.042(p) for an employee of a day-care center or group day-care
1-15     home must include:
1-16                 (1)  eight hours of initial training for an employee of
1-17     a day-care center who has no previous training or employment
1-18     experience in a regulated child-care facility, to be completed
1-19     before the employee is given responsibility for a group of
1-20     children;
1-21                 (2)  15 hours of annual training for each employee of a
1-22     day-care center or group day-care home, excluding the director; and
1-23                 (3)  20 hours of annual training for each director of a
1-24     day-care center or group day-care home.
 2-1           (b)  The minimum training standards prescribed by the
 2-2     department under Section 42.042(p) must require an employee of a
 2-3     licensed day-care center or group day-care home who provides care
 2-4     for children younger than 24 months of age to receive special
 2-5     training regarding the care of those children.  The special
 2-6     training must be included as a component of the initial training
 2-7     required by Subsection (a)(1) and as a one-hour component of the
 2-8     annual training required by Subsections (a)(2) and (a)(3).  The
 2-9     special training must include information on:
2-10                 (1)  recognizing and preventing shaken baby syndrome;
2-11                 (2)  preventing sudden infant death syndrome; and
2-12                 (3)  understanding early childhood brain development.
2-13           (c)  The department by rule shall require an operator of a
2-14     registered family home who provides care for a child younger than
2-15     24 months of age to complete one hour of annual training on:
2-16                 (1)  recognizing and preventing shaken baby syndrome;
2-17                 (2)  preventing sudden infant death syndrome; and
2-18                 (3)  understanding early childhood brain development.
2-19           (d)  Section 42.042(m) does not apply to the minimum training
2-20     standards required by this section.
2-21           Explanation:  This amendment is necessary to require that the
2-22     special training required by Section 42.0421(b), Human Resources
2-23     Code, as added by the Act, be included as a component of the
2-24     required eight hours of initial training.