LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE, 76th Regular Session April 14, 1999 TO: Honorable Senfronia Thompson, Chair, House Committee on Judicial Affairs FROM: John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board IN RE: HB400 by Thompson (Relating to the creation of certain district courts), Committee Report 1st House, Substituted ************************************************************************** * Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Funds for * * HB400, Committee Report 1st House, Substituted: negative impact * * of $(3,523,499) through the biennium ending August 31, 2001. * * * * The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal * * basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions of * * the bill. * ************************************************************************** General Revenue-Related Funds, Five-Year Impact: **************************************************** * Fiscal Year Probable Net Positive/(Negative) * * Impact to General Revenue Related * * Funds * * 2000 $(1,122,550) * * 2001 (2,400,949) * * 2002 (2,538,620) * * 2003 (2,538,620) * * 2004 (2,538,620) * **************************************************** All Funds, Five-Year Impact: *************************************************************************** *Fiscal Probable Savings/(Cost) from Change in Number of State * * Year General Revenue Fund Employees from FY 1999 * * 0001 * * 2000 $(1,122,550) 10.0 * * 2001 (2,400,949) 20.0 * * 2002 (2,538,620) 20.0 * * 2003 (2,538,620) 20.0 * * 2004 (2,538,620) 20.0 * *************************************************************************** Fiscal Analysis The bill would create twenty Judicial Districts, and make two existing multi-county Judicial Districts into single-county Districts. Methodology The annual cost of the salary and benefits of a district judge to the state is $127,081. Five of the twenty Judicial Districts would be created effective September 1, 1999 and cost the state the entire $127,081 during fiscal year 2000. Two of the twenty Judicial Districts would be created effective October 1, 1999 and cost the state $116,491 ($127,081 * 11/12) during fiscal year 2000. Three of the twenty Judicial Districts would be created effective January 1, 2000 and would cost the state $84,721 ($127,081 *8/12) during fiscal year 2000. All of these courts would cost the state $127,081 in fiscal year 2001 and each year thereafter. Six of the twenty Judicial Districts would be created effective September 1, 2000 and cost the state the entire $127,081 during fiscal year 2001. One of the twenty Judicial Districts would be created effective October 1, 2000 and cost the state $116,491 during fiscal year 2001. Three of the twenty Judicial Districts would be created effective January 1, 2001 and would cost the state $84,721 during fiscal year 2001. All of these courts would cost the state $127,081 in fiscal year 2002 and each year thereafter. The 114th and 294th Judicial Districts would become single-county districts effective September 1, 2000. These districts would no longer be eligible for the $1,500 travel allotment paid by the state to districts composed of two counties. This would result in a savings to the state of $3,000 in fiscal year 2001 and each year thereafter. Information provided by the Comptroller of Public Accounts was used to determine the salary and benefit levels of district court judges. Local Government Impact The counties gaining judicial districts would be responsible for the operating and capital costs of the courts. Source Agencies: LBB Staff: JK, PE, DG