Austin, Texas
                    FISCAL NOTE, 76th Regular Session
                            February 24, 1999
          TO:  Honorable Gary Walker, Chair, House Committee on Land &
               Resource Management
        FROM:  John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board
       IN RE:  HB430 by Turner, Bob (Relating to the authority of a
               political subdivision to prepare and implement a regional
               habitat conservation plan or habitat conservation plan
               or to enter into a conservation agreement.), Committee
               Report 1st House, Substituted
*  No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.        *
The bill requires that a citizens advisory committee be appointed by the
plan participants to assist in preparing the regional habitat
conservation plan and the application for a federal permit.
Local Government Impact
No significant fiscal implication to units of local government is
Source Agencies:   
LBB Staff:         JK, DE, TT