Austin, Texas
                    FISCAL NOTE, 76th Regular Session
                                May 3, 1999
          TO:  Honorable Gary Walker, Chair, House Committee on Land &
               Resource Management
        FROM:  John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board
       IN RE:  SB 396  by Moncrief (Relating to the conveyance of
               certain state-owned real property in Howard and Tarrant
               counties.), As Engrossed
*  Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Funds for    *
*  SB396, As Engrossed:  negative impact of $(2,100,000) through the     *
*  biennium ending August 31, 2001.                                      *
*                                                                        *
*  The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal      *
*  basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions of    *
*  the bill.                                                             *
General Revenue-Related Funds, Five-Year Net Impact:
          *  Fiscal Year  Probable Net Positive/(Negative)   *
          *               Impact to General Revenue Related  *
          *                             Funds                *
          *       2000                         $(2,100,000)  *
          *       2001                                    0  *
          *       2002                                    0  *
          *       2003                                    0  *
          *       2004                                    0  *
All Funds, Five-Year Impact:
         * Fiscal Year    Probable Revenue Gain/(Loss) from   *
         *                      General Revenue Fund          *
         *                              0001                  *
         *      2000                             $(2,100,000) *
         *      2001                                        0 *
         *      2002                                        0 *
         *      2003                                        0 *
         *      2004                                        0 *
Fiscal Analysis
The bill would authorize the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
Retardation (TDMHMR) to convey all of the state's interest, with the
exception of oil, gas, and mineral rights, in two parcels of property to
the local communities.

The bill would authorize the TDMHMR to donate an administrative building
and parking lot in Big Spring (Howard County) to the West Texas Centers
for the Mental Health and Mental Retardation.  These facilities were
originally donated to the TDMHMR through a non-profit organization for
use by the community services division of Big Spring State Hospital.

The bill would also authorize the TDMHMR to donate the Tarrant County
Psychiatric Hospital located in Fort Worth to Tarrant County Mental
Health and Mental Retardation Services.  The Tarrant County Psychiatric
Hospital was constructed through House Bill 338, Sixty-sixth
Legislature, which provided $3,000,000 for planning and construction of
the facility.  The facility is located on land donated by the Tarrant
County Hospital District.
The 1998 General Land Office (GLO) Real Property Evaluation Report
recommended the sale, lease, or transfer of these properties to
community-based service providers.  In 1997, the GLO appraised the
facilities in Big Spring at $460,000.  No significant impact is assumed
based on the conveyance of the facilities in Big Spring since the
facilities were donated to the state.

The Tarrant County Psychiatric Hospital was appraised at $2,100,000.  It
is assumed that by donating the Tarrant County Psychiatric Hospital,
which was constructed with state funds, the state would incur a loss of
revenue of $2,100,000.

TDMHMR has not identified savings which could result from conveying these
properties to local providers.  Capital related expenditures such as
maintenance and repairs are currently paid for by the local providers
and would continue to be paid by the local providers upon conveyance of
the properties.  The primary source of revenue to the local providers is
the TDMHMR.  Therefore it is assumed that the funds allocated to the
community centers by the TDMHMR would continue to be used for facility
maintenance and repairs as well as to provide client services.
Local Government Impact
The counties receiving the donated land and improvements benefit since
the properties would be donated.  The counties would also be able to
continue to provide community-based mental health and mental retardation
services while utilizing the property under their respective
jurisdictions.  It is assumed that the funds allocated to the local
Mental Health and Mental Retardation community centers would continue to
be used for facility maintenance and repairs.
Source Agencies:   305   General Land Office and Veterans' Land Board,
                   655   Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
LBB Staff:         JK, DE, MG