Austin, Texas
                    FISCAL NOTE, 76th Regular Session
                              March 17, 1999
          TO:  Honorable Tony Goolsby, Chair, House Committee on House
        FROM:  John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board
       IN RE:  SB494 by Harris (relating to preserving the history and
               heritage of the state by establishing the Bob Bullock
               Texas State History Museum and by prescribing certain
               operations, powers, and duties of the State Preservation
               Board), As Engrossed
*  Estimated Two-Year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Fundsfor     *
*  SB494, As Engrossed:  negative impact of $(14,418,766) through the    *
*  biennium ending August 31, 2001.                                      *
*                                                                        *
*  Estimated cost included in SB2, as introduced (General                *
*  Appropriations Act) is $9.1 million, 45 FTEs in 2000 and 93 FTEs      *
*  in 2001 to: operate the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum;       *
*  renovate/operate the Pease Mansion and the Capitol Information and    *
*  Tour Guide Services.                                                  *
*                                                                        *
*  The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal      *
*  basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions of    *
*  the bill.                                                             *
General Revenue-Related Funds, Six-Year Impact:
          *  Fiscal Year  Probable Net Positive/(Negative)   *
          *               Impact to General Revenue Related  *
          *                             Funds                *
          *       1999                                   $0  *
          *       2000                          (6,789,411)  *
          *       2001                          (7,629,355)  *
          *       2002                          (3,500,929)  *
          *       2003                          (3,500,929)  *
          *       2004                          (3,500,929)  *
All Funds, Six-Year Impact:
*Fiscal    Probable    Probable    Probable    Probable   Change in    *
* Year     Savings/    Revenue     Savings/    Revenue    Number of    *
*        (Cost) from Gain/(Loss) (Cost) from Gain/(Loss)    State      *
*          General    from New -   New - GR      from     Employees    *
*          Revenue        GR     Dedicated -   Capitol   from FY 1999  *
*            Fund    Dedicated -   Capitol       Fund                  *
*            0001      Capitol     Renewal     -Outside                *
*                      Renewal                 Treasury                *
*  1999            $0          $0          $0          $0         0.0  *
*  2000   (6,789,411)   2,657,454 (2,657,454)      10,500        49.0  *
*  2001   (7,629,355)   2,657,454 (2,657,454)     100,500       104.0  *
*  2002   (3,500,929)   2,657,454 (2,657,454)     360,500       104.0  *
*  2003   (3,500,929)   2,657,454 (2,657,454)     360,500       104.0  *
*  2004   (3,500,929)   2,657,454 (2,657,454)     360,500       104.0  *

*Fiscal        Probable         Probable Revenue         Probable        *
* Year    Savings/(Cost) from Gain/(Loss) from Bob  Savings/(Cost) from  *
*           Capitol Fund -     Bullock Texas State   Bob BullockTexas    *
*          Outside Treasury    History Museum Fund State History Museum  *
*                                - New, Outside     Fund - New, Outside  *
*                                   Treasury             Treasury        *
*  1999                     $0           $6,000,000           $(300,000) *
*  2000               (10,000)                    0          (4,200,000) *
*  2001              (100,000)            2,561,500          (1,500,000) *
*  2002              (360,000)            4,933,000          (4,934,000) *
*  2003              (360,000)            4,665,000          (4,898,000) *
*  2004              (360,000)            4,587,000          (4,888,000) *
Technology Impact
The Bob Bullock State History Museum (museum) is expected to have
exhibits that use "high-tech" special effects, a technologically
advanced ticketing system and a point-of-sale system for the gift shop.
Fiscal Analysis
The bill, which would be effective upon passage, would establish a new
General Revenue-dedicated account, the Capitol Renewal Account, to be
used by the State Preservation Board (the Board) to maintain and preserve
the Capitol and the General Land Office building.  The Board would be
granted authority to maintain and restore the historic Woodlawn property
(Pease Mansion), operate the museum and provide tours of buildings under
its jurisdiction.

The Board could earn revenue and spend funds from the Capitol Fund, a
fund held outside the treasury.  The bill would create the Bob Bullock
Texas State History Museum Fund, to be held outside the treasury.  The
new fund would receive donations and revenue from admission and parking
fees, facility rentals, and revenue collected from vending facilities.
Revenue generated is expected to support the museum's operating costs.
Annual costs to the Capitol Renewal Account are estimated to be
$2,657,454 from the General Revenue Fund.  It is anticipated that annual
revenue to the fund will consist of a transfer from general revenue and
interest earned within the fund.

Costs to restore and renovate the mansion were estimated by consulting
with preservationists; operation and maintenance costs were based on
schedules prepared by the agency's facilities personnel.  Costs to
General Revenue are projected to be $3,320,000 and 4 FTEs in fiscal year
2000 and $420,000 and 11 FTEs in fiscal year 2001.

The cost to provide tours, based on the current (Senate) operating budget
for the Capitol Information and Tour Guide Service, is estimated at
$423,475 (General Revenue) and 30 FTEs annually.

Museum opening/operating costs and revenue (excluding donations) earned
were estimated using a business plan prepared for the museum by a
consultant retained by the Board.  Estimated costs to General Revenue are
$386,482 and 15 FTEs and $4,128,426 and 63 FTEs in fiscal years 2000 and
2001, respectively.  Costs for the IMAX theater are projected to be
$300,000 in 1999, $4.2 million in 2000 and $1.5 million in 2001.
Beginning in fiscal 2002, annual museum operating costs are an estimated
$4.9 million.

Annual revenues to the museum fund are estimated as follows:
*1999: $6 million in donations for the IMAX theater;
*2001: $2.56 million for six months of operation (projected March 1
opening date); and
*2002 and beyond: $4.9 million in 2002, $4.7 million in 2003, then $4.6
million annually.
Local Government Impact
No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.
Source Agencies:   
LBB Staff:         JK, BB, NS