LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE, 76th Regular Session May 4, 1999 TO: Honorable Steven Wolens, Chair, House Committee on State Affairs FROM: John Keel, Director, Legislative Budget Board IN RE: SB1438 by Duncan (relating to a pilot project transferring certain professional and occupational licensing boards to self-directed semi-independent status; making an appropriation), As Engrossed ************************************************************************** * Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Fundsfor * * SB1438, As Engrossed: $0 through the biennium ending August 31, * * 2001. * ************************************************************************** Appropriations: ***************************************************** * Fiscal Year Appropriation out of General * * Revenue Fund * * 0001 * * 2000 $3,071,458 * * 2001 0 * ***************************************************** General Revenue-Related Funds, Five-Year Net Impact: **************************************************** * Fiscal Year Probable Net Positive/(Negative) * * Impact to General Revenue Related * * Funds * * 2000 $(1,535,729) * * 2001 1,535,729 * * 2002 0 * * 2003 0 * * 2004 0 * **************************************************** All Funds, Five-Year Impact: *********************************************************************** *Fiscal Probable Probable Probable Probable Change in * * Year Revenue Savings/ Savings/ Revenue Number of * * Gain/(Loss) (Cost) from (Cost) from Gain/(Loss) State * * from General Other Funds from Other Employees * * General Revenue Funds from FY 1999 * * Revenue Fund * * Fund 0001 * * 0001 * * 2000 $3,655,769 $56,363 $0 (89.0) * * $(5,191,498) * * 2001 (5,274,116) 6,809,845 (117,427) 174,300 (89.0) * * 2002 (6,809,845) 6,809,845 (117,427) 174,300 (89.0) * * 2003 (6,809,845) 6,809,845 (117,427) 174,300 (89.0) * * 2004 (6,809,845) 6,809,845 (117,427) 174,300 (89.0) * *********************************************************************** Fiscal Analysis The bill would establish the Self-Directed Semi-Independent Agency Pilot Project and designate the State Board of Public Accountancy, the Board of Professional Engineers, the Board of Architectural Examiners, the Board of Tax Professional Examiners and the Board of Professional Land Surveying as part of the pilot project. The bill would remove the project agencies from the legislative budgeting process, allow the agencies to retain fees (except the $200 professional fee and $10 scholarship fee) in accounts outside the State Treasury and generally operate outside the provisions of the General Appropriations Act. Any surplus revenue generated by the project agencies would be remitted annually to the General Revenue Fund, and project agencies would repay the appropriated amount to the General Revenue Fund as funds became available. On the first day of each regular legislative session, each agency would be required to submit a report to the Legislature and the Governor describing all of the agency's activities in the previous biennium. The bill would authorize each project agency to contract, sell and acquire property, borrow money and set their own fees with in the restrictions of its enabling legislation. Employees of the project agencies would remain members of the Employees Retirement System of Texas under Chapter 812 of the Government Code. The bill requires the State Auditor to contract with each agency to conduct financial and performance audits. The bill would also transfer all supplies, materials, records, equipment, and facilities used by each project agency to the respective agency in fee simple and allow the General Services Commission to charge agencies remaining in state owned buildings rent. The bill would take effect September 1, 1999. Chapter 325 of the Government Code, relating to the Sunset Act, would apply to the act; and unless continued, the Act would expire September 1, 2005. Methodology The Comptroller estimates the project agencies would collect fees in sufficient amounts to reimburse the General Revenue Fund for the appropriations made to them in fiscal 2000 and estimates their excess fee collections deposited to the General Revenue Fund would not be significantly different from the amounts historically contributed by the project agencies to the General Revenue Fund. The general revenue and other funds savings were estimated based on the historical legislative appropriations to the project agencies and employee benefit costs for the associated employees. It is assumed that the employees will remain members of the Employees Retirement System for retirement benefits only and that the project agencies will provide the employer contribution to the system. The State Auditor estimates the cost of audit work required by the bill would be approximately $35,000 per year per agency and require an additional 2 FTE's. It is assumed the agencies would pay for the audit services out of fees collected. The General Services Commission estimates it would charge the project agencies $18.00 per square foot for debt service and indirect costs. The State Property Accounting Division of the Comptroller's Office and the General Land Office, estimates the value of the assets that would be transferred to the project agencies at $2,167,723. Local Government Impact No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated. Source Agencies: 302 Office Of The Attorney General, 303 General Services Commission, 304 Comptroller of Public Accounts, 308 State Auditor's Office, 337 Board of Tax Professional Examiners, 452 Department of Licensing and Regulation, 457 Board of Public Accountancy, 459 Board of Architectural Examiners, 460 Board of Registration for Professional Engineers LBB Staff: JK, BB, SD, RT