The House Committee on Economic Development 76th Legislature March 21, 2000 9:30 a.m. Capitol Extension, E1.010 Pursuant to a notice posted on February 16, 2000, the House Committee on Economic Development met in a public hearing and was called to order by the chair, Representative Solis, Jim, at 9:45 a.m. The roll was answered as follows: Present: Representatives Solis, Jim; Deshotel; Homer; Keffer; Luna; McClendon; Seaman; Yarbrough (8). Absent: Representative Villarreal (1). A quorum was present. The chair delivered opening remarks and announced that the purpose of the meeting was to consider invited testimony from the Texas Department of Economic Development on their progress in response to their recent audit, from the Texas Workforce Commission on the committee's second interim charge regarding the unemployment insurance compensation trust fund, and from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts' Office on their process for conducting the performance evaluation of the Smart Jobs and Skills Development Funds. Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) (Representative Villarreal now present.) Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) The chair named the following members to the subcommittee on Smart Jobs: Representative Luna, Chair; Representatives Keffer; McClendon; Villarreal; and Yarbrough. Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) (Representative Yarbrough in chair.) Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) (Representative Solis, Jim in chair.) The chair named the following members to the subcommittee on Unemployment Insurance: Representative Yarbrough, Chair; Representatives Deshotel; Homer; Seaman; and Villarreal. Testimony was taken. (See attached witness list.) At 1:10 p.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ________________________ Rep. Solis, Jim, Chair ________________________ Yvonne Barton, Clerk