Friday, August 25, 2000 
                                     12:00 p.m. 
            Hall of Nations, International Cultural Center, Texas Tech  
                             University, Lubbock Texas 
         Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule  
         11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Redistricting  
         was held on Friday, August 25, 2000, in the Hall of Nations,  
         International Cultural Center, Texas Tech University, Lubbock  
         MEMBERS PRESENT:                        MEMBERS ABSENT: 
         Senator Troy Fraser                     Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. 
         Senator Mario Gallegos, Jr.             Senator Frank Madla 
         Senator Gonzalo Barrientos              Senator Royce West 
         Senator Robert Duncan 
         Senator Mike Jackson 
         Senator Jane Nelson 
         Senator Steve Ogden 
         Senator Florence Shapiro 
         Co-chair Fraser called the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m.  There  
         being a quorum present, the following business was transacted:   
         Senator Fraser moved adoption of the minutes from the previous  
         hearing held on July 8, 2000; without objection, it was so  
         Chairman Delwin Jones, Co-Chair Fraser and Senator Duncan  
         thanked everyone for coming to Lubbock for the Redistricting  
         The Mayor of Lubbock, Windy Sitton, and the Chancellor of Texas  
         Tech University, John Montford, welcomed the House and Senate  
         Redistricting Committees to Lubbock and to the Texas Tech  
         Alfonso Mirabal, U.S. Census Bureau, updated the Committees on  
         the 2000 Census. 
         The following people testified on Redistricting: 
          Anderson, Betty (self), Lubbock                                 
          Butler, Jim (Odessa Chamber of Commerce), Odessa                
          Cardenas Jr., Alberto P (Lubbock Hispanic Chamber of            
                      Commerce), Lubbock                                  
          Cook, D.V. (Texas Independent Ginners Association and Mustang   
                      Farmers Gin), Tahoka                                                     
           Cox, Roger (Amarillo Chamber of Commerce), Amarillo          
           Earl, Lewis H. (self), Post                                  
           Gibson, David (Texas Corn Producers Board), Lubbock          
           Harris, Jerry (self), Lamesa                                 
           Hebert, J. Gerald (IMPAC 2000), Washington D.C.              
           Henry, Alan (Lubbock Chamber of Commerce), Lubbock           
           Henson, James R. (Amarillo Chamber of Commerce), Amarillo    
           Hernandez, Victor (City of Lubbock Councilman, District 1),  
           Isett, Rep. Carl H. (State Representative District 84),  
           Klein, Todd R. (Lubbock County Democratic Party), Lubbock         
           Mann, L. Scott (Republican Party), Lubbock                        
           McDaniel, Dr. Gary (South Plains College), Levelland              
           McEwen, Mayor Russ (Mayor City of Big Spring/Howard County),      
                         Big Spring                                            
           Morris, David (self), Amarillo 
           Patterson, T.J. (City of Lubbock Councilman), Lubbock         
           Pearson, Dr. Neale (self), Lubbock                            
           Privett, Tony (City of Lubbock), Lubbock                      
           Pruitt, Dwayne (Majority of Terry County and County Atty.     
                       Felony Responsibility), Brownfield                
           Sipes, L.D. (Buddy) (Midland Chamber of Commerce), Midland    
           Sitton, Mayor Windy (Mayor of the City of Lubbock), Lubbock   
           Steed, Mayor Pat (Mayor City of Childress), Childress         
           Trose, Michael B. (Democratic Party of Midland), Midland      
           Verett, Steve (Plains Cotton Growers, Inc.), Lubbock          
           Wilson, Rose (self), Lubbock                                  
           Wilson, Ross (Texas Cattle Feeders Association), Amarillo     
           Yeager, Bruce (Wellman Union ISD Superintendent), Wellman     
          Following the public testimony Marshall Turner, U.S. Census  
         Bureau, answered the member's questions on the 2000 Census. 
         There being no further business, at 3:45 p.m. Senator Fraser  
         moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of  
         the chair.  Without objection, it was so ordered.   
         Senator Troy Fraser, Co-Chair 
         Senator Mario Gallegos Jr., Co-Chair 
         Tara Cowen Rejino, Clerk