MINUTES SENATE COMMITTEE ON VETERAN AFFAIRS AND MILITARY INSTALLATIONS Monday, March 29, 1999 12:00 pm Lt. Governor's Committee Room ***** Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.11, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs & Military Installations was held on Monday, March 29, 1999 in Lt. Governor's Committee Room, at Austin, Texas. ***** MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Carlos F. Truan Senator Gregory Luna Senator Troy Fraser Senator Eliot Shapleigh Senator Steve Ogden ***** The Chair called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm. Chairman Truan laid out SB 655, relating to the creation of a defense base development authority; validating certain acts of a defense base development corporation; granting the right to issue bonds. Senator Madla, the author, was recognized to explain the bill. Senator Ogden was recognized for questions. The Chair recognized Retired General Paul Roberson, Executive Director of the Greater Kelly Development Corporation, and Mr. Manuel Longoria, Jr., from the City of San Antonio, as witnesses testifying on SB 655. Senator Ogden was recognized for questions. Senator Ogden sent up a committee substitute and Amendment #1; the Chair recognized Senator Madla to explain the difference between the committee substitute and the Amendment for the bill as filed. There being no further testimony or questions, the hearing was closed. The Chair recommended that SB 655 with its committee substitute and Amendment be left pending before the full committee; without objection, it was so ordered. The Chair laid out SB 930, relating to the entities eligible for grants because of reduction in defense-related activity, and recognized its author, Senator Madla, to explain the bill. Registered as resource witnesses for the bill but not testifying, were Randy Cain, from the City of Lubbock, and Mr. Manuel Longoria, Jr., from the City of San Antonio. There being no testimony, the hearing was closed. Senator Ogden moved to report SB 930 favorably out of committee with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a vote of 3 ayes, 0 nays, and 2 absent. Senator Madla moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Madla moved that SB 313 be left pending in committee because of its Fiscal Note. There being no objections; it was so ordered. Senator Ogden moved that the minutes from the previous meeting be approved. There being no objection, the Minutes were adopted. The Clerk called the roll at 12:55 p.m. A quorum was present. Chairman Truan announced that there will not be a Committee meeting on Monday, April 5, 1999 due to the Easter Holidays. There being no further business, at 1:00 p.m., Senator Ogden moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the Chair. Without objection, it was so ordered. ____________________________________ Senator Carlos F. Truan, Chair ____________________________________ Emma Dibbles, Committee Clerk