HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Civil Practices

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM or upon adjournment
             Wednesday, April 14, 1999

PLACE: E2.010

CHAIR: Rep. Fred M. Bosse


HB 69            Nixon, Joe
Relating to claims against a unit of state government relating to
contracts for certain services or projects.

HB 900            Dutton
Relating to a bill of review by a civil court.

HB 1036            Junell / et al.
Relating to class actions.

HB 1135            Dutton
Relating to the remedies available to a person to abate a public
nuisance in a municipality.

HB 2665            George
Relating to the immunity from liability of employers who provide
certain information to a law enforcement agency.

HB 2897            Brimer
Relating to litigation rights of businesses located in Texas.

HB 2994            Culberson
Relating to the authority to appeal the denial of a motion for
summary judgment in certain cases.

HB 3151            Sadler
Relating to adoption of rules of civil procedure by the supreme

HB 3378            George
Relating to the remedies available in a suit to abate a public

HB 3604            Uresti
Relating to the imposition of sanctions by a court on a person who
signs a pleading or motion.

HB 3614            Hilbert
Relating to alternative dispute resolution systems established by

HCR 106            Nixon, Joe
Granting Anh N. Pham permission to sue the state and the Mental
Health and Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County.

HCR 110            Hilbert
Granting Anderson Columbia Environmental, Inc., permission to sue
the state and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

HCR 118            Telford
Granting Gibson Recycling, Inc., permission to sue the state and the Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

HCR 120            Yarbrough
Granting Larry P. Shepherd permission to sue the State of Texas and the
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

SB 56            Harris
Relating to abatement of common nuisances.



HB 3392