** REVISION ** HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Higher Education TIME & DATE: 4:00PM, Tuesday, March 23, 1999 PLACE: E2.016 CHAIR: Rep. Irma Rangel ___________________________________________________________________________ TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: HB 1804 Morrison Relating to the automatic admission of certain graduates of high schools operated by the United States Department of Defense. HB 1932 Maxey Relating to the authority of the board of regents of The University of Texas System to increase the student union fee at The University of Texas at Austin. HB 2089 Farabee Relating to the establishment of a medical services fee at Midwestern State University. HB 2181 Coleman Relating to authorizing a recreational and wellness facility fee at the University of Houston. HB 2622 Chavez Relating to the authority of the governing board of an institution of higher education to waive certain fees. HB 2664 George Relating to authorizing private or independent institutions of higher education to operate a student debit card program HB 3313 Cuellar / et al. Relating to the establishment and operation of a campus extension of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS DELETED AFTER LAST POSTING: HB 1106 HB 1257 HB 2770