HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Higher Education TIME & DATE: 4:00PM, Tuesday, April 6, 1999 PLACE: E2.016 CHAIR: Rep. Irma Rangel ___________________________________________________________________________ TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: HB 889 Lewis, Glenn / et al. Relating to establishing an institute for the preservation of history and culture at Prairie View A&M University. HB 1056 Dutton Relating to the authority of a member of the governing board of a public university system or institution of higher education. HB 1678 Rangel / et al. Relating to the creation of a uniform strategy to attract a student population that reflects the population of the state at institutions of higher education. HB 2127 Solis, Jim Relating to exempting certain children of emergency medical services personnel killed in the line of duty from higher education tuition and fees. HB 2167 Naishtat / et al. Relating to the right of junior college district employees to voluntarily designate a portion of their earned income to certain organizations. HB 2410 Delisi Relating to exempting transfer students from certain requirements of the Texas Academic Skills Program. HB 2415 Keffer Relating to the authority of a junior college district to establish, operate, or offer a branch campus, center, extension facility, or course in certain areas. HB 2528 Van de Putte / et al. Relating to the support of graduate pharmacy education and resident pharmacists. HB 2686 Coleman Relating to tuition charged for students of optometry. HB 2799 Driver Relating to establishing date rape awareness week and providing related information to students at general academic teaching institutions. HB 2803 George Relating to a state initiative encouraging the development of research in biotechnology and biogenetics. HB 3073 Wilson Relating to the admission of scholarship athletes to institutions of higher education. HB 3138 Naishtat Relating to the authority of a governing board of a public institution of higher education to reduce tuition or prorate fees charged to a student at that institution. HB 3164 McReynolds / et al. Relating to faculty compensation policies at institutions of higher education. HB 3226 Capelo Relating to the disposition of surplus and salvage property of certain institutions of higher education. HB 3284 Van de Putte Relating to the establishment and use of the women's athletic development fund. HB 3292 Greenberg Relating to certain fees charged at certain institutions of higher education. HB 3447 Swinford Relating to the creation of a student endowment scholarship and internship program. HB 3525 Coleman / et al. Relating to the continued independence of Texas Southern University. HB 3538 Luna, Vilma Relating to tuition and fee exemptions for certain classroom teachers seeking additional certification to teach in an area or field of acute teacher shortage. HB 3634 Naishtat Relating to certain fees charged at certain institutions of higher education. HB 3651 Rangel Relating to the initiation of or the affiliation with certain entities by a university system, a general academic teaching institution, or a medical and dental unit. HB 3708 Rangel Relating to tuition rates for resident students at general academic teaching institutions. HB 3727 Maxey Relating to the election of the student members of the student fees advisory committee at The University of Texas at Austin. SB 192 Ogden Relating to contracts with and compensation of administrators of public institutions of higher education. ___________________________________________________________________________