NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Natural Resources

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM or upon adjournment
             Wednesday, February 24, 1999

PLACE: E1.010, Capitol Extension

CHAIR: Rep. David Counts

The Committee on Natural Resources will meet at 2:00 pm or upon later
adjournment to be briefed by the Texas Water Development Board and the
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission on the agencies'
responsibilities and state water issues.

The committee will also consider the following:

HB 340            Walker
Relating to the exemption from permitting requirements for certain
wells in a groundwater conservation district.

HB 794            Zbranek
Relating to the boundaries of the Chambers County-Cedar Bayou
Navigation District.

HB 846            Lewis, Ron
Relating to the administration, management, operation, and
authority of water districts and authorities.

HB 1283            Counts
Relating to general permits for the discharge of wastewater.
