NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Economic Development

TIME & DATE:  9:00AM, Tuesday, February 23, 1999

PLACE: Lt. Gov. Cmte. Room

CHAIR: Senator David Sibley


To be considered

SB 130            Nelson
Relating to certain unfair practices by insurers and certain
related entities regarding preferred providers of health care.

SB 170            Armbrister
Relating to cancelling or prohibiting the issuance of certain
original or renewal alcoholic beverage permits or licenses for
nonpayment of ad valorem taxes.

SB 295            Jackson
Relating to the servicing of a portable fire extinguisher.

SB 405            Madla
Relating to the extension of certain group life insurance coverage
to spouses and children.

SB 427            Sibley
Relating to the penalty for certain interstate shipment of
alcoholic beverages.
