SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Economic Development, Subcommittee on Technology & Bus. Growth TIME & DATE: 8:30AM, Thursday, April 22, 1999 PLACE: E1.028 CHAIR: Senator Troy Fraser ___________________________________________________________________________ To consider the following: SB 291 Nixon, Drew Relating to enforcement of the motor vehicle safety-responsibility requirements. SB 347 Harris Relating to liability for injury or property damage arising from a motor vehicle accident and related effects on motor vehicle insurance. SB 506 Harris Relating to suits to recover damages resulting from construction defects. SB 740 Armbrister Relating to liability for damages resulting from contact with a high voltage overhead line. SB 924 Wentworth Relating to liability for loss caused by the use of controlled substances. SB 976 Brown, J. E. "Buster" Relating to the creation of a business technology outreach program. To consider the following pending business: SB 215 Duncan Relating to the liability of certain health care providers. SB 645 Lucio Relating to compliance with government standards as a defense to an award of exemplary damages in certain products liability actions. ___________________________________________________________________________