** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Intergovernmental Relations TIME & DATE: 8:00AM, Wednesday, May 5, 1999 PLACE: E1.028 CHAIR: Senator Frank Madla ___________________________________________________________________________ To Consider the Following: SB 1069 Fraser Relating to the annexation procedures for certain areas covered by a court-ordered trust agreement. SB 1786 Gallegos Relating to an independent third party hearing examiner to hear appeals involving termination cases of employees of certain counties. SB 1806 Bernsen Relating to critical incident stress debriefing of public safety employees. SB 1892 Jackson Relating to the authority of certain counties to delegate traffic regulation functions. SB 1893 Jackson Relating to juvenile board members and juvenile probation personnel in Galveston County. SB 1894 Jackson Relating to the assistance a county may provide another governmental entity for a construction project. SB 1895 Jackson Relating to the composition of the Galveston County Juvenile Board. SB 1896 Jackson Relating to the sale of real property by counties. HB 79 Gallego / et al. SP: Cain Relating to the eligibility of a person to serve on an appraisal review board. HB 313 Giddings SP: West, Royce Relating to the creation and powers of a neighborhood empowerment zone. HB 434 Turner, Bob SP: Madla Relating to extending speed restrictions to private roads in certain subdivisions. HB 516 Gray SP: Jackson Relating to allowing certain cities to adjudicate and impose civil penalties for vehicle parking and stopping offenses. HB 1207 Naishtat SP: Barrientos Relating to benefits and administration of retirement systems for firefighters in certain municipalities. HB 1588 Hope SP: Nixon, Drew Relating to providing notification of utility service connections to appraisal and emergency communication districts. HB 1877 Hope SP: Nixon, Drew Relating to the Montgomery County Juvenile Board. HB 2136 Hilderbran SP: Wentworth Relating to the creation of the County Court at Law of Kendall County. HB 2200 Swinford SP: Bivins Relating to the ability of a county to obtain criminal history record information on an applicant for county employment. HB 2209 McClendon SP: Madla Relating to the ability of a public housing authority to use a public facility corporation to promote development of residential housing and accomplish other public purposes. HB 2301 Farabee SP: Moncrief Relating to the disposition of the body of a deceased pauper. HB 2314 McReynolds SP: Nixon, Drew Relating to the requirements a person must meet to serve as a director of fire fighters' and police officers' civil service. HB 2374 Burnam SP: Moncrief Relating to the financial guaranty requirements for certain owners, lienholders, and mortgagees of certain substandard buildings. HB 2416 Keffer SP: Fraser Relating to the North Runnels County Hospital District. HB 2490 Coleman SP: Ellis, Rodney Relating to the Houston Downtown Management District. HB 2542 Hupp SP: Fraser Relating to the McCulloch County Hospital District. HB 2626 Palmer SP: Harris Relating to construction and renovation work on county-owned improvements in certain counties. HB 2662 Ramsay SP: Madla Relating to the functions of certain county purchasing agents. HB 2724 Pickett SP: Shapleigh Relating to the composition of the El Paso County Juvenile Board. HB 3122 Chisum SP: Bivins Relating to the powers, duties, and operations of the Dallam-Hartley Counties Hospital District. HB 3133 Chisum SP: Bivins Relating to contracts and obligations of the Stratford Hospital District. HB 3232 Keffer SP: Sibley Relating to the Eastland Memorial Hospital District. HB 3299 Coleman SP: Lindsay Relating to the authority of certain hospital districts to enter into credit agreements. HB 3377 Turner, Sylvester SP: Gallegos Relating to membership and credit in and benefits and administration of public retirement systems for police officers in certain municipalities. HB 3531 Coleman SP: Gallegos Relating to membership and credit in and benefits and administration of retirement systems for officers and employees of certain municipalities. HB 3532 Coleman SP: Gallegos Relating to participation in, administration of, and benefits from certain public retirement systems for municipal employees. HB 3684 Flores SP: Madla Relating to gates on certain third-class and neighborhood roads. HB 3771 Gallego SP: Madla Relating to the name, powers, duties, and operations of the Maverick County Hospital District. HB 3772 Gallego SP: Madla Relating to the Big Bend Regional Hospital District. HB 3799 Coleman SP: Gallegos Relating to the creation of the East Downtown Management District; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds. Pending: HB 347 Averitt SP: Ogden Relating to the financing of certain eligible projects for criminal justice purposes. ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS ADDED AFTER LAST POSTING: HB 3531