NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Education

TIME & DATE: 11:00AM or 30 mins. after adjourn.
             Wednesday, April 21, 1999

PLACE: E1.012

CHAIR: Senator Teel Bivins


A public hearing to consider the following:

SB 3            Bivins
Relating to master reading teacher certification and allotments.

SB 502            Shapleigh
Relating to the use of the term "college" by certain educational

SB 510            Shapleigh
Relating to notification to students of the law that grants
automatic college admission to certain students.

SB 893            Lucio
Relating to the naming of components and facilities of the regional
academic health center.

SB 911            Shapleigh
Relating to sanctions imposed on low-performing public school

SB 980            Barrientos
Relating to the creation and operation of a multicultural
mathematics and science education cooperative to provide math and
science training to Texas elementary school teachers and

SB 1115            Armbrister
Relating to employee organization consultation policies adopted by
the boards of trustees of school districts.

SB 1213            Whitmire
Relating to discipline management techniques that a public school
teacher may use.

SB 1288            Zaffirini
Relating to the establishment and operation of a campus extension
of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

SB 1330            Shapiro
Relating to limiting the assignment of a student to a particular
class under certain circumstances.

SB 1521            Madla
Relating to speed limits within 500 feet of a school.

SB 1575            West, Royce
Relating to the deposit of excess proprietary school fees to the
proprietary school tuition protection fund.

SB 1853            Bivins
Relating to reports on the degree, certificate, or other enrollment
status of public junior college students.

HB 1314            Hochberg                 SP: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to authorizing The University of Texas M. D. Anderson
Cancer Center to offer certain professional degree programs.

HB 1433            Hunter                   SP: Lucio
Relating to expanding the TexShare library consortium.

HB 1488            Oliveira                 SP: Lucio
Relating to the student union building fee at The University of
Texas at Brownsville.

Pending Business:

SB 4            Bivins
Relating to public school finance and to public education.

SB 576            Armbrister
Relating to class size in public schools.

SB 1089            Duncan
Relating to the investment of debt service funds by school
districts, junior college districts, and community college

SB 1091            Duncan
Relating to the issuance and sale of bonds and time warrants by
school districts and the issuance of obligations and execution of
credit agreements by certain school districts and junior college

SB 1455            West, Royce
Relating to compensatory and accelerated education in public

SB 1561            Barrientos / et al.
Relating to students who drop out of public school.

Subcommittee Reports:

SB 1088            Duncan
Relating to the creation of the Texas Tech University System.

SB 1651            Jackson
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Chiropractic College as
a public institution of higher education.

SB 1747            Jackson
Relating to the funding of the Seaborne Conservation Corps or a
similar program at Texas A&M University at Galveston.
