NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Education

TIME & DATE: 11:00AM or 30 mins. after adjourn.
             Thursday, May 13, 1999

PLACE: E1.004

CHAIR: Senator Teel Bivins


A public hearing to consider the following:

HB 211            Hochberg                 SP: Sibley
Relating to compliance by school districts and open-enrollment
charter schools with the public information law and the open
meetings law and to the governance of an open-enrollment charter

HB 1104            Dunnam                   SP: Cain
Relating to parental involvement programs in public schools.

HB 1275            Luna, Vilma              SP: Zaffirini
Relating to providing a parent with a copy of a special education
student's education plan translated into the parent's native

HB 1733            Luna, Vilma              SP: Zaffirini
Relating to a continuing advisory panel to provide policy guidance
concerning special education and related services.

HB 2307            Keffer                   SP: Sibley
Relating to assistance to certain low-performing public school

HCR 117            Keffer                   SP: Ellis, Rodney
Supporting and encouraging the future development and expansion of
career and technology academic programs throughout Texas high
