** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Finance SUBCOMMITTEE: ERS & TRS Employee Benefit Issues TIME & DATE: 1:30PM, Wednesday, March 22, 2000 PLACE: E1.036 CHAIR: Senator Steve Ogden ___________________________________________________________________________ I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVITED TESTIMONY Craig Hudgins-Legislative Council Overview of state law regarding provision of health insurance benefits through the Employee Retirement System, the Texas A&M University System and the University of Texas System John Wielmaker-Legislative Budget Board Overview of appropriations for health insurance programs at the Texas A&M University System and the University of Texas System and related budgeting issues Robert Molloy-University of Texas System Overview of UTS health insurance program and budget; funding performance and projections; health insurance costs and trends; related issues particular to UTS Steve Hassel-Texas A&M University System Overview of TAMUS health insurance program and budget; funding performance and projections; health insurance costs and trends; related issues particular to TAMUS Stephanie Coates-Legislative Budget Board Overview of appropriations to the Employees Retirement System, the Texas A&M University System and the University of Texas System regarding health insurance and related budgeting issues Sheila Beckett-Employees Retirement System of Texas Overview of ERS health insurance programs and budget; most recent funding performance and projections; health care costs and trends; funding alternatives and related costs/savings;HMO bidding and competition; optional long-term care benefit coordinated with Texas A&M University System Tracy Baroni-Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Tom Kowalski - Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute Gary W. Anderson - Texas Public Employees Association III. PUBLIC TESTIMONY IV. OTHER BUSINESS V. RECESS ___________________________________________________________________________