** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: State Affairs TIME & DATE: 8:00AM, Friday, May 26, 2000 PLACE: Brownsville, Texas CHAIR: Senator Florence Shapiro ___________________________________________________________________________ The Senate Committee on State Affairs and the Special Committee on Border Affairs will meet in a joint hearing at 8:00 a.m. at the Brownsville Public Library, 2600 Central Blvd., Brownsville, Texas. Discussion of Committee Charge #1: Evaluate the state's intermodal transportation planning efforts with an emphasis on NAFTA-related trade corridors and their impact on both metropolitan and rural areas of the state. The Committee shall address all modes of transportation including highways, farm-to-market roads, turnpikes, mass transit, aviation, railroads, and water traffic. The Committee shall determine whether the state is maximizing federal funding levels, and evaluate alternative and innovative methods of transportation funding and develop recommendations for their use. The Committee shall coordinate study of this issue with the Special Committee on Border Affairs. NOTICE OF DEADLINE Persons wishing to submit information pertaining to any Committee charges should do so in writing by June 12, 2000. Time allowances may prevent review of any materials recieved after this date. NOTICE OF ASSISTANCE AT PUBLIC MEETINGS Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services, such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, are requested to contact Cindy Hodges at (512)463-0380 at least one week prior to the meeting so arrangements can be made. ___________________________________________________________________________