                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Nominations

TIME & DATE:  1:00PM, Wednesday, March 3, 1999

PLACE: Lt. Gov. Cmte. Room

CHAIR: Senator Jeff Wentworth



Texas Public Utility Commission

Brett A. Perlman            Appointed 01-11-99 for a      Brown
Harris County               term to expire 09-01-03

Texas Transportation Commission

John W. Johnson             Appointed 02-02-99 for a      Ellis
Harris County               term to expire 02-01-05

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission

John T. Steen, Jr.          Appointed 01-08-98 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 11-15-03

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Martin Basaldua             Appointed 09-18-97 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 08-31-03

Kevin P. Eltife             Appointed 09-18-97 for a      Cain
Smith County                term to expire 08-31-03

Adair W. Margo              Appointed 09-18-97 for a      Shapleigh
El Paso County              term to expire 08-31-03

Robert W. Shepard           Appointed 09-18-97 for a      Lucio
Cameron County              term to expire 08-31-03

Pamela P. Willeford         Appointed 09-18-97 for a      Barrientos
Travis County               term to expire 08-31-03

State Commission on Judicial Conduct

Dee Coats                   Appointed 05-13-98 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 11-19-03

Gilbert M. Martinez         Appointed 05-13-98 for a      Barrientos
Travis County               term to expire 11-19-03

Texas Judicial Council

James Boswell               Appointed 09-15-97 for a      Shapiro
Collin Coumty               term to expire 06-30-03

James R. Brickman           Appointed 09-15-97 for a      Shapiro
Dallas County               term to expire 06-30-01

Joseph Alan Callier         Appointed 06-30-01 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 06-30-03

Kathleen Cardone            Appointed 09-15-97 for a      Shapleigh
El Paso County              term to expire 06-30-01

Diego J. Pena               Appointed 09-15-97 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 06-30-99

Sharon W. Wilkes            Appointed 10-30-97 for a      Barrientos
Travis County               term to expire 06-30-99

University of Houston Board of Regents

Suzette T. Caldwell         Appointed 09-22-97 for a      Brown
Fort Bend County            term to expire 08-31-03

Theresa W. Chang            Appointed 09-22-97 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 08-31-03

George E. McDavid           Appointed 09-22-97 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 08-31-03

Thad "Bo" Smith             Appointed 05-14-98 for a      Brown
Fort Bend County            term to expire 08-31-03

University of North Texas Board of Regents

Roy Gene Evans              Appointed 07-09-98 for a      Shapiro
Dallas County               term to expire 05-22-03

George W. Pepper            Appointed 09-29-97 for a      Moncrief
Tarrant County              term to expire 05-22-03

Gayle W. Strange            Appointed 09-29-97 for a      Haywood
Denton County               term to expire 05-22-03

Martha F. Turner            Appointed 09-29-97 for a      Gallegos
Harris County               term to expire 05-22-03

Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation

Gina Parker                 Appointed 03-12-98 for a      Ogden
McLennan County             term to expire 02-01-01

Patricia P. Stout           Appointed 02-09-99 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 02-01-05

Leo R. Vasquez, III         Appointed 02-09-99 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 02-01-05

Commissioner, Texas Fire Fighters' Pension

Morris E. Sandefer, Jr.     Appointed 09-19-97 for a      Nixon
Hardin County               term to expire 07-01-99

Texas Juvenile Probation Commission

Mike Cantrell               Appointed 06-15-98 for a      Carona
Dallas County               term to expire 08-31-03

Mary Craft                  Appointed 06-15-98 for a      Ellis
Harris County               term to expire 08-31-03

William E. "Bill" Miller    Appointed 06-15-98 for a      Duncan
Lubbock County              term to expire 08-31-03

Byron K. Reed               Appointed 02-09-99 for a      Shapiro
Collin County               term to expire 08-31-03

Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles

Paddy Lann Burwell          Appointed 02-12-99 for a      Armbrister
DeWitt County               term to expire 02-01-05

Lafayette Collins           Appointed 02-12-99 for a      Wentworth
Williamson County           term to expire 02-01-05

Linda Garcia                Appointed 02-12-99 for a      Jackson
Harris County               term to expire 02-01-05

James Paul Kiel, Jr.        Appointed 02-12-99 for a      Ratliff
Smith County                term to expire 02-01-05

Filiberto "Bert" Reyna      Appointed 02-12-99 for a      Sibley
McLennan County             term to expire 02-01-05

Lucinda "Cindy" Simons      Appointed 02-12-99 for a      Bivins
Deaf Smith County           term to expire 02-01-05

Crime Stoppers Advisory Council

Vernon V. Cook              Appointed 04-30-98 for a      Sibley
McLennan County             term to expire 09-01-99

Janice C. Gillen            Appointed 04-30-98 for a      Brown
Fort Bend County            term to expire 09-01-99

Juan F. Jorge               Appointed 12-01-99 for a      Gallegos
Harris County               term to expire 01-09-99

Lennie C. Sims              Appointed 04-30-98 for a      Haywood
Collingsworth County        term to expire 09-01-99

Judge, 18th Judicial District Court, Johnson and Somervell Counties

John Edward Neill           Appointed 11-20-98 until      Harris
Johnson County              the next general election

Presiding Judge, Third Administrative Judicial Region

B. B. Schraub               Reappointed 02-03-98 for a    Wentworth
Guadalupe County            term to expire 4 years
                            from date of qualification

Presiding Judge, Fifth Administrative Judicial Region

Darrell Hester              Reappointed 02-03-98 for a    Lucio
Cameron County              term to expire 4 years
                            from date of qualification

Presiding Judge, Seventh Administrative Judicial Region

Dean Rucker                 Appointed 04-02-98 for a      Bivins
Midland County              term to expire 4 years
                            from date of qualification

Presiding Judge, Ninth Administrative Judicial Region

Ray D. Anderson             Reappointed 02-03-98 for a    Duncan
Lubbock County              term to expire 4 years
                            from date of qualification

Midwestern State University Board of Regents

Jaime A. Davidson           Appointed 06-10-98 for a      Carona
Dallas County               term to expire 02-25-04

Carolyn Park                Appointed 06-10-98 for a      Harris
Tarrant County              term to expire 02-25-04

Chaunce O. Thompson, Jr.    Appointed 06-10-98 for a      Fraser
Stephens County             term to expire 02-25-04

Texas State Technical College Board of Regents

Bernie Francis              Appointed 10-08-97 for a      Nelson
Denton County               term to expire 08-31-03

Jere M. Lawrence            Reappointed 10-08-97 for a    Fraser
Nolan County                term to expire 08-31-03

Amy R. Tschirhart           Appointed 10-21-97 for a      Wentworth
Comal County                term to expire 08-31-03

Lower Neches Valley Authority Board of Directors

Lonnie Arrington            Appointed 06-29-98 for a      Bernsen
Jefferson County            term to expire 07-28-01

Lois Badeaux Henderson      Appointed 02-05-98 for a      Nixon
Tyler County                term to expire 07-28-03

Patricia M. Neild           Appointed 02-05-98 for a      Bernsen
Jefferson County            term to expire 07-28-03

John W. Robinson            Appointed 02-05-98 for a      Nixon
Hardin County               term to expire 07-28-03

Arnold Pierce               Appointed 02-05-98 for a      Nixon
Hardin County               term to expire 07-28-99
