COMMITTEE ACTION REPORT

COMMITTEE: Nominations

TIME & DATE:  1:00PM, Wednesday, March 17, 1999



Adjutant General of Texas

MAJ GEN Daniel James, III   Reappointed 02-12-99 for a    Luna
Bexar County                term to expire 02-01-01

Texas Youth Commission

Charles R. Henry            Appointed 10-24-97 for a      Bivins
Gray County                 term to expire 08-31-03

Leonard E. Lawrence         Appointed 10-24-97 for a      Luna
Bexar County                term to expire 08-31-03

School Land Board

C. Louis Renaud             Reappointed 10-17-97 for a    Bivins
Midland County              term to expire 08-29-99

Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education

Raymond M. Hunt             Appointed 10-06-97 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 08-30-03

Benigno G. Reyna            Reappointed 10-06-97 for a    Lucio
Cameron County              term to expire 08-30-03

Charles W. Williams         Appointed 10-06-97 for a      Ratliff
Harrison County             term to expire 08-30-03

Texas State Board of Pharmacy

Kim A. Caldwell             Appointed 10-27-97 for a      Shapiro
Collin County               term to expire 08-31-03

Wiki Erickson               Appointed 10-27-97 for a      Sibley
McLennan County             term to expire 08-31-03

Doyle Eugene High           Appointed 01-08-99 for a      Haywood
Haskell County              term to expire 08-31-01

Donna B. Rogers             Appointed 10-27-97 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 08-31-03

Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation Board of Directors

Jeffery S. Baloutine        Appointed 12-16-97 for a      Brown
Harris County               term to expire at the
                            pleasure of the Governor

Donald S. Currie            Appointed 12-16-97 for a      Lucio
Cameron County              term to expire at the
                            pleasure of the Governor

Dawn Enoch Moore            Appointed 12-16-97 for a      Shapiro
Dallas County               term to expire at the
                            pleasure of the Governor

Jerry Romero                Appointed 12-16-97 for a      Shapleigh
El Paso County              term to expire at the
                            pleasure of the Governor

Texas Woman's University Board of Regents

Jerry L. Brownlee           Appointed 02-18-99 for a      Sibley
Johnson County              term to expire 02-01-05

Delia M. Reyes              Appointed 02-18-99 for a      Shapiro
Dallas County               term to expire 02-01-05

Carlos Hamilton, Jr., M.D.  Appointed 02-18-99 for a      Brown
Harris County               term to expire 02-01-01

Texas Agricultural Finance Authority Board of Directors

Gina Leigh Bulls Davis      Reappointed 01-29-98 for a    Bivins
Hansford County             term to expire 01-01-00

Sydney M. Golden            Reappointed 01-29-98 for a    Brown
Brazoria County             term to expire 01-01-00

Jane Anne Stinnett          Reappointed 01-29-98 for a    Duncan
Lubbock County              term to expire 01-01-00

Darwin D. DeWees            Appointed 02-25-99 for a      Wentworth
Tom Green County            term to expire 01-01-01

Robert Hensley Henry        Appointed 02-25-99 for a      Haywood
Wilbarger County            term to expire 01-01-01

Susan Kennedy               Appointed 02-25-99 for a      Nixon
Nacogdoches County          term to expire 01-01-01

Renato Ramirez              Appointed 02-25-99 for a      Zaffirini
Zapata County               term to expire 01-01-01

Texas Aerospace Commission

Gale E. Burkett             Appointed 02-18-99 for a      Jackson
Galveston County            term to expire 02-01-05

J. Jan Collier              Appointed 02-18-99 for a      Carona
Dallas County               term to expire 02-01-05

Michael J. Butchko          Appointed 02-18-99 for a      Barrientos
Travis County               term to expire 02-01-05

Texas Public Finance Authority Board of Directors

Helen Huey                  Appointed 02-18-99 for a      Gallegos
Harris County               term to expire 02-01-05

H. L. Bert Mijares, Jr.     Appointed 02-18-99 for a      Shapleigh
El Paso County              term to expire 02-01-05

Coastal Coordination Council

John Barrett                Reaapointed 07-08-97 for a    Truan
San Patricio County         term to expire 05-31-99

Robert B. Dunkin            Reappointed 07-08-97 for a    Lucio
Cameron County              term to expire 05-31-99

Elizabeth A. Nisbet         Reappointed 02-12-99 for a    Truan
Nueces County               term to expire 05-31-99

William H. Clayton, Ph.D.   Appointed 02-12-99 for a      Jackson
Galveston County            term to expire 05-31-00

Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners

Janette L. Bowers           Appointed 02-06-98 for a      Madla
Brewster County             term to expire 09-06-03

Elmer G. Ellis              Reappointed 02-06-98 for a    Ratliff
Smith County                term to expire 09-06-03

Geneva Harvey, L.V.N.       Appointed 02-06-98 for a      Sibley
Bosque County               term to expire 09-06-03

Cathy Parrott, L.V.N.       Appointed 02-06-98 for a      Fraser
Coryell County              term to expire 09-06-03

William H. Rice, M.D.       Reappointed 02-06-98 for a    Wentworth
Travis County               term to expire 09-06-03

Frank D. Sandoval, Jr.      Appointed 01-08-99 for a      Luna
Bexar County                term to expire 09-06-01

Melody Hart, L.V.N.         Appointed 01-29-99 for a      Bivins
Andrews County              term to expire 09-06-99

Texas Optometry Board

Ann Appling Bradford        Reappointed 02-12-99 for a    Bivins
Midland County              term to expire 01-31-05

Joe W. Deloach, O.D.        Reappointed 02-12-99 for a    Carona
Dallas County               term to expire 01-31-05

Judy M. Eidson              Appointed 07-21-97 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 01-31-01

B. J. Garner, O.D.          Appointed 07-21-97 for a      Jackson
Harris County               term to expire 01-31-03

Katherine M. Garrett        Reappointed 07-21-97 for a    Sibley
Palo Pinto County           term to expire 01-31-03

Donald R. Glenz, O.D.       Appointed 07-21-97 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 01-31-03

Mark A. Latta, O.D.         Reappointed 02-12-99          Bivins
Potter County               term to expire 01-31-05

Texas Incentive and Protectivity Commission

Janice E. Collins           Reappointed 02-12-99 for a    Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 02-01-01

John Mitchell Moore         Reappointed 02-12-99 for a    Sibley
Erath County                term to expire 02-01-01

Sherry Phelps               Reappointed 05-19-98 for a    Nelson
Denton County               term to expire 02-01-00

San Jacinto Historical Advisory Board

Nell Hoover                 Reappointed 09-08-97 for a    Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 09-01-03

State Board of Barber Examiners

H. Wayne Moore              Appointed 07-08-97 for a      Lindsay
Dallas County               term to expire 09-31-03

Janis E. Wiggins            Reappointed 07-08-97 for a    Fraser
Llano County                term to expire 09-31-03

Texas Board of Licensure for Professional Medical Physicists

Ralph Blumhardt, M.D.       Appointed 03-16-98 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 02-01-01

Shannon D. Cox, M.D.        Appointed 03-16-98 for a      Barrientos
Travis County               term to expire 02-01-03

Adrian D. LeBlanc, Ph.D.    Appointed 03-16-98 for a      Ellis
Harris County               term to expire 02-01-01

Louis B. Levy, Ph.D.        Appointed 03-16-98 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 02-01-03

Isabel C. Menendez, M.D.    Appointed 03-16-98 for a      Truan
San Patricio County         term to expire 02-01-03

Paul H. Murphy, Ph.D.       Appointed 03-16-98 for a      Ellis
Harris County               term to expire 02-01-01

Board of Trustees of the County and District Retirement System

Kathy Reeves                Appointed 04-07-98 for a      Bivins
Midland County              term to expire 12-31-03

John Willy                  Appointed 04-07-98 for a      Brown
Brazoria County             term to expire 12-31-03

Judge of the 125th Judicial District Court, Harris County

John A. Coselli, Jr.        Appointed 02-18-99 until      Brown
Harris County               the next general election

Workforce and Economic Competitiveness Council

Roland Funderburg           Appointed 10-17-97 for a      Nelson
Dallas County               term to expire 09-01-03

Wanda Chandler Rohm         Appointed 06-10-98 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 09-01-01

Children's Trust Fund of Texas Council

Kathleen R. Ehlinger        Appointed 05-13-98 for a      Truan
Willacy County              term to expire 09-01-03

Ann D. Louden               Appointed 05-13-98 for a      Moncrief
Tarrant County              term to expire 09-01-03

Sederick E. Susberry        Appointed 05-13-98 for a      Jackson
Harris County               term to expire 09-01-03

Texas Cosmetology Commission

William "B. J." Joseph      Appointed 02-19-98 for a      Lucio
Cameron County              term to expire 12-31-03

Heliana L. Kiessling        Appointed 02-19-98 for a      Jackson
Galveston County            term to expire 12-31-03

Clare Taylor                Appointed 08-15-97 for a      Ogden
Navarro County              term to expire 12-31-01

State Board of Examiners of Dietitians

Elizabeth S. Blakely        Appointed 01-30-98 for a      Wentworth
Tom Green County            term to expire 09-01-03

Lucinda M. Flores           Appointed 01-30-98 for a      Lucio
Cameron County              term to expire 09-01-03

Amy W. Scott                Appointed 01-30-98 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 09-01-03

Lower Neches Valley Authority Board of Directors

Lonnie Arrington            Appointed 06-29-98 for a      Bernsen
Jefferson County            term to expire 07-28-01

Lois Badeaux Henderson      Appointed 02-05-98 for a      Nixon
Tyler County                term to expire 07-28-03

Patricia M. Neild           Appointed 02-05-98 for a      Bernsen
Jefferson County            term to expire 07-28-03

John W. Robinson            Appointed 02-05-98 for a      Nixon
Hardin County               term to expire 07-28-03

Arnold Pierce               Appointed 02-05-98 for a      Nixon
Hardin County               term to expire 07-28-99
