COMMITTEE ACTION REPORT

COMMITTEE: Nominations

TIME & DATE:  1:00PM, Wednesday, April 21, 1999



Texas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Richard L. Gillespie, D.C.  Appointed 07-08-97 for a      Armbrister
Hays County                 term to expire 02-01-03

Cynthia S. Vaughn, D.C.     Appointed 07-08-97 for a      Barrientos
Travis County               term to expire 02-01-03

Texas Growth Fund Board of Trustees

J. Michael Bell, Sr.        Reappointed 04-12-99 for a    Wentworth
Gillespie County            term to expire 02-01-05

Catherine S. Woodruff       Appointed 11-13-97 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 02-01-03

Texas Racing Commission

David C. Garza              Appointed 01-21-98 for a      Lucio
Cameron County              term to expire 02-01-03

Terri Lacy                  Appointed 01-21-98 for a      Brown
Harris County               term to expire 02-01-03

College Opportunity Act Committee

Laura H. Bley               Appointed 07-21-97 for a      Moncrief
Tarrant County              term to expire 02-01-03

Texas Energy Coordination Council

Glenda L. Callaway          Reappointed 01-12-99 for a    Gallegos
Harris County               term to expire 12-31-00

Kathleen E. Magruder        Reappointed 01-12-99 for a    Brown
Harris County               term to expire 12-31-00

Donald W. Niemiec           Reappointed 12-04 98 for a    Harris
Tarrant County              term to expire 12-31-00

Michael D. Spence           Appointed 12-04-98 for a      Shapiro
Collin County               term to expire 12-31-99

James A. Tramuto            Appointed 12-04-98 for a      Lindsay
Harris County               term to expire 12-31-99

Robert L. Wright            Reappointed 12-04-98 for a    Armbrister
Victoria County             term to expire 12-31-99

Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners

Joan J. Culver              Appointed 01-14-98 for a      Barrientos
Travis County               term to expire 02-01-03

Jeannie M. Heller           Appointed 04-16-98 for a      Ogden
Brazos County               term to expire 02-01-03

Dorothy "Dee" N. Stewart    Appointed 01-14-98 for a      Harris
Tarrant County              term to expire 02-01-03

Judge of the 309th Judicial District Court, Harris County

Eva M. Guzman               Appointed 04-13-99 until      Lindsay
Harris County               the next general election

Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board

Ben E. Barnett              Reappointed 02-06-98 for a    Carona
Dallas County               term to expire 01-31-00

Jacqueline G. Humphrey      Reappointed 02-06-98 for a    Bivins
Potter County               term to expire 01-31-00

Debra S. Runyan             Reappointed 02-06-98 for a    Wentworth
Bexar County                term to expire 01-31-00

Angelina Velarde-White      Reappointed 02-06-98 for a    Shapleigh
El Paso County              term to expire 01-31-00
