NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Natural Resources

TIME & DATE: 10:00AM, Tuesday, October 26, 1999

PLACE: Amarillo Council Chambers

CHAIR: Senator J. E. "Buster" Brown


The Committee will hold a hearing in the Amarillo City Council Chambers,
598 E. 7th St., Amarillo, 79101 to discuss the following:
I.   Call to Order
II.  Invited and Public testimony on the following charges:
     Implementation of HB 2, SB 7, SB 766
     Future of the Oil and Gas Industry in Texas
     State's groundwater resources
     Missions and Roles of Texas River Authorities:
        Canadian, Red River, and Palo Duro River Authorities
     Storage and disposal options for low-level radioactive waste
III. Other business
IV.  Recess
