                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Criminal Justice

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM, Wednesday, February 17, 1999

PLACE: E1.016

CHAIR: Senator Kenneth Armbrister


I.   Call to Order
II.  Roll Call
III. To Consider the Following

SB 46            Carona
Relating to the creation of the offense of fraudulent use or
possession of identifying information.

SB 70            Brown, J.E. "Buster"
Relating to the statute of limitations for the purpose of
prosecuting certain offenses under the Tax Code.

SB 187            Lucio
Relating to the release of certain information relating to a
juvenile offender suspected of fleeing after committing certain
violent crimes.

SB 216            Duncan
Relating to the disqualification of a person convicted of theft
from  selection or service as a grand juror.

SB 217            Duncan
Relating to the exemption of certain persons from grand jury service.

SB 284            Brown, J.E. "Buster"
Relating to the fee collected by a prosecutor for collecting and
processing a dishonored or forged check or similar sight order.

SB 306            Lucio
Relating to the eligibility of certain defendants convicted of
felonies for release on bail pending appeal.

SB 383            Duncan
Relating to the method of access to criminal history record information by
a political subdivision for certain background checks.

IV. Other Business
V.  Recess / Adjourn
