NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Criminal Justice

TIME & DATE: 10:00AM, Tuesday, February 15, 2000

PLACE: E1.012

CHAIR: Senator Kenneth Armbrister


I.   Call to Order
II.  Roll Call
III. Invited / Public Testimony on the Following Charges:

Review information-sharing between law enforcement agencies, mental
health professionals, and mental health agencies about individuals,
both adults and juveniles, who are identified or considered a risk
to the public's safety and whether additional cooperative efforts are
needed.  The Committee also shall recommend how best to conduct a
comphrehensive review of the relationship between mental health and
the criminal justice system to assure that the criminal justice system
does not become the alternative placement for such individuals.

Review reintegration programs for juvenile and adult parolees and their
families upon release to determine if strategies and coordination
between state, local, public and private entities are effective.
The committee shall make recommendations to reduce recidivism.

Review the Interstate Probation and Parole Compact proposed through the
National Institute of Corrections, which is scheduled for release in
December 1999.  The Committee shall make a recommendation as to whether
Texas should enter into the compact, considering the fiscal impact the

V.    Other Business
VI.   Adjourn / Recess
