** REVISION ** SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Human Services TIME & DATE: 7:00AM, Wednesday, May 12, 1999 PLACE: Senate Chamber CHAIR: Senator Judith Zaffirini ___________________________________________________________________________ To consider the following: HB 836 King, Tracy SP: Zaffirini Relating to access under the public information law to birth and death indexes. HB 897 Haggerty SP: Carona Relating to medical assistance payments for ambulance services. HB 908 Coleman SP: Zaffirini Relating to enforcement of screening requirements for vision, hearing, and other special senses and communication disorders of children in certain licensed child-care facilities. HB 1459 Dunnam SP: Sibley Relating to facilities and services for the care of the elderly or a person with a disability in certain municipal hospital authorities. HB 1797 Tillery SP: Carona Relating to the transportation of certain individuals who may have a mental illness and are admitted to a county mental health facility for emergency detention. HB 1854 Thompson SP: Ellis, Rodney Relating to indigent care provided by the Harris County Hospital District. HB 2148 Maxey SP: Moncrief Relating to certain federally funded long-term care Medicaid programs. HB 2170 Naishtat SP: Zaffirini Relating to investigations and protective services for elderly and disabled persons. HB 2873 Maxey SP: Zaffirini Relating to the operation of certain Medicaid waiver programs for children with disabilities or special health care needs. HB 2966 Hilbert SP: Lindsay Relating to the authority of certain hospital authorities to provide facilities and services for the elderly or disabled. HB 3693 Hunter SP: Fraser Relating to certification under the state Medicaid program of nursing home beds in certain nursing facilities. HB 3740 Greenberg SP: Zaffirini Relating to the location of administrative hearings conducted by the State Office of Administrative Hearings on behalf of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. HB 3741 Greenberg SP: Zaffirini Relating to regulation by the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services of certain child-care facilities, family homes, and child-placing agencies. HCR 96 Coleman SP: Ellis, Rodney Directing the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to maximize federal funding for outreach activities related to children's health insurance. To accommodate all witnesses, testimony will be limited to three minutes per person. Written testimony may be submitted in advance. ___________________________________________________________________________ BILLS DELETED AFTER LAST POSTING: HB 1864