NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations

TIME & DATE: 12:00PM, Monday, March 15, 1999

PLACE: Lt. Gov. Cmte. Rm.

CHAIR: Senator Carlos F. Truan


I.   Call to order
II.  Roll Call
III. Approval of Committee Minutes
IV.  Briefing from the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse on how
     their Programs address the needs of Texas Veterans.
V.   To consider the following:

SB 525            Luna, Gregory / et al.
Relating to compensation and benefits for members of the state
military forces and their dependents.

SB 526            Luna, Gregory / et al.
Relating to providing tuition payment assistance to certain members
of the state military forces attending public institutions of
higher education.

VI.  Other Business
VII. Adjournment/Recess
