SENATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMITTEE: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations TIME & DATE: 12:00PM, Monday, March 29, 1999 PLACE: Lt. Gov. Cmte. Rm. CHAIR: Senator Carlos F. Truan ___________________________________________________________________________ I. Call to order II. Roll Call III.Approval of Minutes IV. To consider the following: SB 313 Madla / et al. Relating to the number of authorized defense projects within a defense readjustment zone. SB 655 Madla Relating to the creation of a defense base development authority; validating certain acts of a defense base development corporation; granting the right to issue bonds. SB 930 Madla Relating to entities eligible for grants because of a reduction in defense-related activity. SCR 7 Moncrief Memorializing Congress to provide lifetime healthcare for military retirees over the age of 65. V. Other Business VI. Adjournment/Recess ___________________________________________________________________________