NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations

TIME & DATE: 12:00PM, Monday, May 3, 1999

PLACE: Lt. Gov. Cmte. Rm.

CHAIR: Senator Carlos F. Truan


I.  Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III.Approval of Minutes
IV. To consider the following:

HB 670            Wise / et al.            SP: Truan
Relating to providing, at no cost, medical records to Texas
veterans for certain purposes.

HCR 102            Hilderbran               SP: Wentworth
Memorializing the U.S. Congress to act to ensure the future of the
Kerrville Veterans Administration Medical Center.

HCR 133            Haggerty                 SP: Shapleigh
Showing the Legislature's support for the renewal of the McGregor
Range Military Land Withdrawal (P.L. 99-606).

SB 313            Madla
Relating to the number of authorized defense projects within a
defense readjustment zone.

V.  Other Business
VI. Adjournment/Recess
