                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Border Affairs - Special

TIME & DATE:  8:00AM, Thursday, April 27, 2000

PLACE: McAllen City Hall

CHAIR: Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.


The Senate Committee on Border Affairs will meet at 8:00 a.m. in the
McAllen City Hall, Council Chambers located at 1300 Houston Avenue,
McAllen, Texas  78501.

To consider the following:

(Charge #1)  Assessing the long-term intermodal transportation needs of the
             Texas-Mexico Border region to facilitate regional economic
             development, international trade and safety;

(Charge #2)  Developing recommendations to address the Border Region's
             water and wastewater system infrastructure needs and the
             impact of the lack of adequate water and wastewater systems
             on health conditions along the Border;

(Charge #3)  Creating (short & long term) health care strategies to
             improve the Border health conditions;

(Charge #4)  Developing economic development strategies for the Border
             Region to increase economic opportunity and the earning
             capacity of its residents through higher wage jobs;

(Charge #5)  SB 1421 relating to the regulation of the subdivision or
             development of land in certain economically distressed areas,
             including colonias, and certain other areas.


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need
auxiliary aids or services, such as interpreters for persons who are deaf
or hearing impaired, are requested to contact Stephanie Hoover at
(512) 463-0385 at least one (1) week prior to the meeting so that
appropriate arrangements can be made.
