HB 5
State Affairs Committee

April 19, 1999 -  2:00P or upon adjournment
    For:      Justice, Ellen (Self)
    Against:  Feehan, Deirdre (ACLU of Texas)
              Hanley, Patricia S. (Self)
              Kittrell, MD, Dave (Self)
              Martinez, Jill (Self and Greater Dallas Coalition For
              Reproductive Freedom)
              McLaughlin, Kae (Texas Abortion & Reproductive Rights
              Action League)
              Riddering, Hannah (Self and Buzzard Forum)
              Sabino, Jamie Ann (Self and Judicial Consent for Minors
              Lawyer Referral Panel)
              Shure, Judith (Self and Greater Dallas Coalition For
              Reproductive Freedom)
              Siefken, Nancy (Self)
              Werden, Frieda (Self)
    On:       Farley, Susie (Self)
              Hansen, Fred W. (Self)
              Klassel, Dara (Texas Family Planning Assoc; Planned
              Parenthood Fed of America)
              Levy, Bruce A. (Texas State Board of Medical Examiners)
              Romberg, Peggy (Tx Family Planning Assoc)