WITNESS LIST Business & Industry Committee (Subcommittee on Healthcare Technology) June 29, 2000-12:00A Interim Charge On: Doty, William "Bill" (Self and U.T. M.D. Anderson) Enloe, Jr., J. David (Introgen Therapeutics, Inc.) Frison, Paul (Self and Houston Technology Center) Gallagher, Shawn Leo (Introgen Therapeutics, Inc.) Holmes, Harry (U.T. M.D. Anderson) Lopez, M.D., Gabriel (Self and U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) Swisher, M.D., Stephen G. (Self and U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center) Walsh, Jonhn (Self) Wilfong, II, Hugh C. (Self and M.D. Anderson Outreach Corp.) Zumstein, Ph.D., Louis A. (Introgen Therapeutics, Inc.) Zwelling, M.D., Leonard (Self and U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)