WITNESS LIST Redistricting Committee April 15, 2000-9:00A Redistricting On: Alcoren, Lee (Self and Dallas NAACP Branch) Alonzo, Diana (Mexican American Democrats) Arreguin, Melissa Margarita (Self) Arreguin, Valentin (Self) Beverly, Mike (Self) Black, Albert (Self) Dixon, Pauline (Self) Flores, Hector M. (LULAC) Garcia, Carmen (Self) Garcia, Representative Domingo (Self) Gee, Bobbye (Self) Giddings, Representative Helen (Self) Gomez, Maria E. (Self) Gosslee, Susybelle (Dallas League of Women Voters) Gutierrez, David (Self) Hebert, Gerald (IMPAC 2000) Herrera, Roger (Self) Hill, City Council District 5 Member Donald W. (Self and Constitutents of District 5) Jackson, Council Member Teri (City of Grand Prairie) Jasso, Juan (Self) Johnson, E. B. (Self) Kinsler, Christy (Self) Korbel, George (Self and Texas Mexican American Caucus) Lawson, Henry T. (Self) Leos, Kathleen (Self) Lichtman, Dr. Allan (Self) Lopez, John J. (Mexican american Democrats) Lopez, Ramiro (Self and HACE) Loza, Dallas City Councilman John (Self) May, Joe (Self) McMullen, Tim (Self) Medrano, Francisco "Pancho" (Self) Milem, John (Self) Milliken, Michael (Self) Nevaquaya, Verwyn Lou (Self) Perez, Torres Feliciano (Self) Plata, Jose (Self) Post, Martha Wright (Self) Price, John Wiley (Self and Dallas County District 3) Richards, City Council Member Judy (City of Duncanville) Rizo, Frances (Self and Tejano Democrats, 23rd Sneate District) Sampson, DeMetris (Political Congress of African American Women) Sepulveda, Luis D. (Self and My wife, son and Jessica daughter) Ware, Alan (Texas Legislative Council) Washington, Mayor Mary (City of Hutchins) Wiant, Elaine (Self and League of Women VOters of Texas) Registering, but not testifying: On: Alonzo, Monica (Self and Mexican American Democrats) Anchia, Rafael (Self) Ayala-Salas, Jose A. (Mexican American Democrats) Campos, Joe (LULAC Council 100) Casarez, Mario (Self) Castilla, Aurelio (Self) Castro, Ralph (Self) George, Representative Kenn S. (Self) Gilmore, Mary (Self) Lopez M., Jorge (Mexican American Democrats) Marrero, Miguel (Self) Marshall, Anthony (Self) Nicholson, Jerry (Mexican American Democrats) Orr, Kenneth H. (Self) Pena, Pete (Self) Robles, Art (Self and Dallas Hispanic Chamber) Tompkins, R. Dabney (Self) Trejo, Marshall (Self and Mexican American Democrats) Vera, Joel David (Self and Mexican American Democrats) Woertendyke, Clair C. (Self)