WITNESS LIST State, Federal & International Relations Committee April 6, 1999-8:00A HB 1887 For: Braun, John (National Guard Assoc. of Texas) James, III, Daniel (Adjutant General's Dept., Texas National Guard) Shine, Hugh (Self and 149th Aviation Battalion, Texas Army National Guard) Registering, but not testifying: For: King, Lewis (Self) Pyeatt, Dale (National Guard Assoc. of Texas) On: Best, John (Research and Oversight Council on Worker's Compensation) Birdwell, Bruce (State Office of Risk Management) HB 2083 For: Gilyard, Roy (City of El Paso) Registering, but not testifying: For: Erben, Randy (Texas Border Infrastructure Coalition) HB 2757 Against: Sneed, Robert C. (Texas Land Title Assoc.) On: Graves, Stan (Texas Historical Commission) Registering, but not testifying: For: Berlanga, Hugo (City of Austin) Carr, Snapper (Texas Municipal League) Against: Neeley, Karen (Independent Bankers Assoc. of Texas) Sandberg, Eric (Texas Savings and Community Bankers Assoc.) HB 2767 Registering, but not testifying: For: Bujanda, M. (Self and Martinez and Associates) Martinez, Mario (City of Brownsville) HB 3442 Registering, but not testifying: For: Roach, Judy (Texas Cemeteries Assoc.) On: Hite, Gerron (Texas Historical Commission) HCR 134 Against: Baumbach, Susan (Texas Health Care Assoc.)