Urban Affairs Committee
April 28, 1999-2:00P

HB 2481
    For:      White, Emory (Universal Insurance Co.)
    Against:  Kuhlman, Karl (Texas Taxicab Owners Association / Choice
                   & Terminal Cab Dallas)
              Lloyd, Covely B. (City of Dallas)
    On:       Brady, Kevin C. (Texas Department of Insurance)

HB 2481 Committee Substitute (Carter)
              Kettles, Jon (Texas Trial Lawyers Association)

HB 3836
    For:      Bradley, Kelly (Self)
              Bradley, Scott (Self and Town of Westlake / Mayor of
                   Westlake (Attorney))
              Bush, Annette (Self)
              Goins, Eldridge (Town of Westlake & Scott Bradley)
              Goins, Susan (Self)
              Lewis, Bill (Self and Publisher, The Keller Citizen)
              Redding, Betty (Self)
              Redding, D.R. (Self and Town of Westlake)
              Sanden, Sharon (Self)
              Sheppard, Elizabeth A. (Self and Proofreader for
                   financial printing co.)
              Shickles, Kay (Self)

SB 1112
    On:       Bond, Jay (Senator Eliot Shapleigh)

SB 1112 Committee Substitute (Carter)
    For:      Henneberger, John (Self and Texas Low Income Housing
                   Information Service)
    On:       Peinado, Elena (Texas Department of Housing and
                   Community Affairs)