Redistricting Committee
February 9, 2000-2:00P  

   On:      Anderson, Woody (self), Colorado City

            Archibald, Norman (Hendrick Medical Center), Abilene

            Armstrong, Michael (Abilene Big Country Central Labor Council,
                        United Industrial), Abilene

            Beauchamp, James (Congressman Charles W. Stenholm), Stamford

            Beckham, Rob (self), Abilene

            Brown, Judge Mike (Tom Green County), San Angelo

            Conner, Randall (self), Winters

            Davis, Celia (self), Abilene

            Dromgoole, Charlie (self), Abilene

            Earl, Lewis (Common Cause of Texas), Post

            Farabee, Rep. David (self), Wichita Falls

            Hailey, Mel (self), Abilene

            Hanna, David (Texas Legislative Council), Austin

            Hohmann, Millie (Tom Green County Democratic Party), San Angelo

            Pringle, Steve (Texas Farm Bureau), Waco

            Schwappach, George (Libertarian Party of Taylor County),

            Smith, Curtis (self), Abilene

            Stevens, Bill (self), Abilene

            Turner, Rep. Bob (self), Voss

            Ware, Alan (Texas Legislative Council), Austin

            Washburn, Paul (self), Abilene

   Registering, but not testifying:
   On:      Evans, Barbara (TX Department of Human Services), Abilene

            McCaleb, Gary (self), Abilene