Redistricting Committee
August 25, 2000-12:00P  

   On:      Anderson, Betty (self), Lubbock

            Butler, Jim (Odessa Chamber of Commerce), Odessa

            Cardenas Jr., Alberto P (Lubbock Hispanic Chamber of
                        Commerce), Lubbock

            Cook, D.V. (Texas Independent Ginners Association and Mustang
                        Farmers Gin), Tahoka

            Cox, Roger (Amarillo Chamber of Commerce), Amarillo

            Earl, Lewis H. (self), Post

            Gibson, David (Texas Corn Producers Board), Lubbock

            Harris, Jerry (self), Lamesa

            Hebert, J. Gerald (IMPAC 2000), Washington D.C.

            Henry, Alan (Lubbock Chamber of Commerce), Lubbock

            Henson, James R. (Amarillo Chamber of Commerce), Amarillo

            Hernandez, Victor (City of Lubbock Councilman, District 1),

            Isett, Rep. Carl H. (State Representative District 84), Lubbock

            Klein, Todd R. (Lubbock County Democratic Party), Lubbock

            Mann, L. Scott (Republican Party), Lubbock

            McDaniel, Dr. Gary (South Plains College), Levelland

            McEwen, Mayor Russ (Mayor City of Big Spring/Howard County),
                        Big Spring

            Mirabal, Alfonso (U.S. Census Bureau), Dallas

            Morris, David (self), Amarillo

            Patterson, T.J. (City of Lubbock Councilman), Lubbock

            Pearson, Dr. Neale (self), Lubbock

            Privett, Tony (City of Lubbock), Lubbock

            Pruitt, Dwayne (Majority of Terry County and County Atty.
                        Felony Responsibility), Brownfield

            Sipes, L.D. (Buddy) (Midland Chamber of Commerce), Midland

            Sitton, Mayor Windy (Mayor of the City of Lubbock), Lubbock

            Steed, Mayor Pat (Mayor City of Childress), Childress

            Trose, Michael B. (Democratic Party of Midland), Midland

            Turner, Marshall (U.S. Census Bureau), Marlboro, MD

            Verett, Steve (Plains Cotton Growers, Inc.), Lubbock

            Wilson, Rose (self), Lubbock

            Wilson, Ross (Texas Cattle Feeders Association), Amarillo

            Yeager, Bruce (Wellman Union ISD Superintendent), Wellman