Criminal Justice Committee
February 24, 1999-1:00P  

SB 22
   For:     Dyer, Cindy (Dallas Co. District Attorney's Office), Dallas

            Flowers, Lee Wells (Justice for All), Houston

            Valencia, T.J. (Justice for All), San Angelo

   Against: Weeks, David (Walker Co. District Attorney), Huntsville

   On:      Bradley, John (Asst. Disrict Attorney), Georgetown

            Isaacks, Vicki (Irving Police Dept.), Irving

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Buchanan, Bree (TX Council on Family Violence), Austin

            Roman, Tom (Houston Police Family Violence Unit), Houston

   On:      Hampton, Keith (TX Criminal Defense Lawyers Assn.), Austin

SB 23
   For:     Dyer,Cindy (Dallas County District Attorney's Office), Dallas

            Pound, Sara (Houston Area Women's Center), Houston

            Roman, Tom (Houston Police Family Violence Unit), Houston

            Thomas, Judy (Self), Lockhart

            Valencia, T.J. (Justice for All), San Angelo

            Weeks, David (Self), Huntsville

   On:      Bradley, John (Assistant Disrict Attorney), Georgetown

            Isaacks, Vicki (Irving Police Department), Irving

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Buchanan, Bree (TX Council on Family Violence), Austin

            Hayden, Angela (Self), Dallas

            Johnson, Marla (Hays-Caldwell Women's Center), San Marcos

            Miller, Susan Morrow (Hays-Caldwell Women's Center), San Marcus

            Pardue, Craig (Dallas County), Dallas

SB 24
   For:     Dyer, Cindy (Dallas County District Attorney's Office), Dallas

            Gillis, Jim (Lockhart Victim Assistance Team), Lockhart

            Roman, Tom (Houston Police Family Violence Unit), Houston

            Valencia, T.J. (Justice for All), San Angelo

   On:      Bradley, John (Assistant District Attorney), Georgetown

            Isaacks, Vicki (Irving Police Department), Irving

            Weeks, David (Walker County District Attorney's Office),

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Buchanan, Bree (TX Council on Family Violence), Austin

            Hayden, Angela (Self), Dallas

            Mann, Thomas (TX Police Chiefs Assn.), Lubbock

SB 50
   For:     Dyer, Cindy (Dallas County District Attorney's Office), Dallas

            Hayden, Angela (Self), Dallas

            Miller, Susan (Hays-Caldwell Women's Center), San Marcos

            Obregon,Sharon (The Family Place), Dallas

            Pound,Sara (Houston Area Women's Center), Houston

            Valencia, T.J. (Justice for All), San Angelo

            Weeks, David (Walker County District Attorney), Hunstville

   On:      Bradley, John (Assistant  District Attorney), Georgetown

            Isaacks, Vicki (Irving Police Department), Irving

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Johnson, Marla (Hays-Caldwell Women's Center), San Marcos

            Roman, Tom (Houston Police Family Violence Unit), Houston

SB 152
   For:     Weeks, David (Walker County District Attorney), Huntsville

   On:      Dawson, Robert (Self), Austin

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Mann, Thomas (TX Police Chief's Assc.), Lubbock

   On:      Perez,Raul (Johnson County Juvenile Services), Cleburne

            Robinson, Steve (Texas Youth Commission), Austin

            Stevenson, Roosevelt (Johnson County Juvenile Services),

            Washington, Edward (Johnson County Juvenile Services), Cleburne

SB 194
   For:     Weeks, David (Walker County District Attorney), Huntsville

   On:      Stone, Gary (Special Crimes Service, TX DPS), Austin

SB 283
   On:      Cockerell,Carey (Tarrant County Juvenile Services), Ft.Worth

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Pardue, Craig (Dallas County), Dallas

   On:      Davis, Denise (TX Judicial Council), Austin

            Shackelford, Wesley (TX Juvenile Probation Commission), Austin

            Shields, Joseph (Office of Court Administration), Austin

SB 461
   For:     Buchanan, Bree (TX Council on Family Violence), Austin

            Dyer, Cindy (Dallas County District Attorney's Office), Dallas

            Miller, Susan (Hays-Caldwell Women's Center), San Marcos

            Weeks, David (Walker  County District Attorney), Huntsville

   On:      Bradley, John (Williamson County District Attorney's Office),

   Registering, but not testifying:
   For:     Hayden, Angela (Self), Dallas

            Johnson, Marla (Hays-Caldwell Women's Center), San Marcos

            Jones, Claude (TX Police Chief's Assn.), Lubbock

            Obregon, Sharon (The Family Place), Dallas

            Roman, Tom (Houston Police Family Violence Unit), Houston

SB 588
   For:     Dyer, Cindy (Dallas County District Attorney's Office), Dallas

   On:      Fulmer, Valerie (TX Department of Public Safety), Austin

            Patterson, Jerry (Self), Austin

            Pitman, Robert (US Department of Justice), Austin