Amend HB 63 by adding a new section to the bill,
appropriately numbered, to read as follows, and renumbering
subsequent sections of the bill accordingly:
      SECTION ____. (a)  Section 524.051(a), Transportation Code,
is amended to read as follows:
      (a)  A driver's license suspended under this chapter may not
be reinstated or another driver's license issued to the person
until the person pays the department a fee of $125 <$100> in
addition to any other fee required by law.
      (b)  Section 724.046(a), Transportation Code, is amended to
read as follows:
      (a)  A license suspended under this chapter may not be
reinstated or a new license issued until the person whose license
has been suspended pays to the department a fee of $125 <$100> in
addition to any other fee required by law.  A person subject to a
denial order issued under this chapter may not obtain a license
after the period of denial has ended until the person pays to the
department a fee of $125 <$100> in addition to any other fee
required by law.
      (c)  Sections 524.051(a) and 724.046(a), Transportation Code,
as amended by this section, apply only to a person who applies to
the Texas Department of Public Safety for the reinstatement of the
person's driver's license under those sections after the effective
date of this Act.  A person who applied to that department for the
reinstatement of the person's license under those sections before
the effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect on
the date the person applied for the reinstatement, and the former
law is continued in effect for that purpose.