Amend CSHB 217 as follows:
      (1)  Insert a new SECTION of the bill appropriately numbered
to read as follows:
      SECTION ___. Section 2(5), The Plumbing License Law (Article
6243-101, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
            (5)  "Plumbing Inspector" means any person employed by
a political subdivision, or who contracts as an independent
contractor with a political subdivision, for the purpose of
inspecting plumbing work and installations in connection with
health and safety laws and ordinances, who has no financial or
advisory interests in any plumbing company, and who has
successfully fulfilled the examinations and requirements of the
      (2)  Strike added Section 5B(e), The Plumbing License Law
(Article 6243-101, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and substitute
the following:
      (e)  Plumbing installed in compliance with a code adopted
under Subsection (a), (b), or (d) of this section must be inspected
by a plumbing inspector.  To perform this inspection, the political
subdivision may contract with any plumbing inspector paid directly
by the political subdivision.   The plumbing inspector must be
licensed as required by Section 14(a) of this Act.
      (3)  Renumber the SECTIONS of the bill appropriately.