Amend HB 247 by striking SECTION 1 and substituting the
SECTION 1. Sec. 11.142. PERMIT EXEMPTIONS. (a) Without
obtaining a permit, a person may construct on the person's <his>
own property a dam or reservoir with normal storage of not more
than 200 acre-feet of water for domestic and livestock purposes. A
person who temporarily stores more than 200 acre-feet of water in a
dam or reservoir described by this subsection is not required to
obtain a permit for the dam or reservoir if the person can
demonstrate that the person has not stored in the dam or reservoir
more than 200 acre-feet of water on average in any 12-month period.
(b) Without obtaining a permit, a person may construct on
the person's property in an unincorporated area a dam or reservoir
with normal storage of not more than 200 acre-feet of water for
commercial or noncommercial wildlife management, including fishing,
but not including fish farming.
(c) Without obtaining a permit, a person who is drilling and
producing petroleum and conducting operations associated with
drilling and producing petroleum may take for those purposes state
water from the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent bays and arms of the
Gulf of Mexico in an amount not to exceed one acre-foot during each
24-hour period.
(d) <(c)> Without obtaining a permit, a person may construct
or maintain a reservoir for the sole purpose of sediment control as
part of a surface coal mining operation under the Texas Surface
Coal Mining and Reclamation Act (Article 5920-11, Vernon's Texas
Civil Statutes).