Amend CSHB 915 as follows: (1) On page 1, line 12, strike ":". (2) On page 1, strike lines 13-24, and substitute the following: an officer or employee from each of the following agencies, appointed by the administrative head of that agency: (1) the Texas Department of Health; (2) the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; (3) the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee; (4) the Employees Retirement System of Texas; (5) the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; and (6) any other agency that purchases pharmaceuticals designated by the commissioner of health and human services. (3) On page 2, line 21, strike "or retailer" and substitute ", retailer, or manufacturer". (4) On page 3, line 3, between "including" and "expanding", insert "rebate programs,". (5) On page 3, strike lines 8-12, and substitute the following: (2) make recommendations regarding drug utilization review, prior authorization, the use of restrictive formularies, the use of mail order programs, and copayment structures to member agencies. (6) On page 3, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following: (e) The council may enter into agreements with a local governmental entity to purchase pharmaceuticals for the local governmental entity. (f) The council shall develop procedures under which the council may disclose information relating to the prices that manufacturers or wholesalers charge for pharmaceuticals by category of pharmaceutical. The council may not disclose information that identifies a specific manufacturer or wholesaler or the prices charged by a specific manufacturer or wholesaler for a specific pharmaceutical. (7) On page 3, line 18, between "drug" and "that", insert ", including a person that manufactures a generic drug,". (8) On page 3, line 27, after ".", insert "The attorney general may take action to enforce this section. (e) The department shall report the information collected under Subsection (b) to the Interagency Council on Pharmaceuticals Bulk Purchasing.". (9) On page 4, strike lines 5-9, and substitute the following: shall file with the department information showing the actual price at which the wholesale distributor sells each drug to a retail pharmacy. (b) The department shall adopt rules to implement this section, including rules relating to how often a wholesale distributor is required to provide the information. (10) On page 4, line 12, after ".", insert "The attorney general may take action to enforce this section. (d) The department shall report the information collected under Subsection (a) to the Interagency Council on Pharmaceuticals Bulk Purchasing.".