Amend HB 1115 as follows: (1) On page 2, line 4, between "PENALTY." and "The", insert "(a)". (2) On page 2, between lines 12 and 13, insert: (b) Before the governing body of a municipality may implement a photographic traffic signal enforcement system, the governing body must provide an approved method of collecting civil penalties for violations of Section 544.007(d) and other charges by electronic means. The governing body may: (1) authorize an officer of the municipality to impose and collect a handling charge for processing the payment of a civil penalty or other charge by electronic means; and (2) may authorize the acceptance of a payment made by electronic means without the imposition or collection of a handling charge. (3) On page 6, line 13, strike "15th" and substitute "20th". (4) On page 6, line 25, strike "may" and substitute "must". (5) On page 7, line 1, between "system" and the period, insert ", which states that on the date of the violation the system was properly functioning". (6) On page 7, line 18, strike "may" and substitute "must". (7) On page 8, line 19, strike "$50" and substitute "$25". (8) On page 9, line 2, strike "an appeal petition" and substitute "a notice of appeal". (9) On page 9, line 4, strike "petition" and substitute "notice of appeal". (10) On page 9, line 15, strike "appeal petition" and substitute "notice of appeal".